Ocean Facts Octopus Facts Panda Facts Paraguay Facts Penguin Facts Peru Facts Phobia Facts Pluto Facts Pollution Facts Poverty Facts Pregnancy Facts Psychology Facts Recycling Facts Russia Facts Saturn Facts Science Facts Shakespeare Facts Shark Facts Slavery Facts Sleep Facts...
Random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party, about biology, animals, geography and more, for children and adults!
The fragrance is iconic; some say it's like bottling the smell of the ocean breeze through a 5-star hotel window. Shutterstock 31. Texas True Facts The phrase "don't mess with Texas" was originally an anti-littering slogan. Put that in your random facts notebook! Shutterstock 32. Oldest...
It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs. If you’re looking for the most interesting list of animal facts, you’re at the right place! Here are 300 of the best fun & random facts about animals! Gorillas can catch human colds and o...
** Jupiter has a 100km deep ocean. Enough about the solar system, read these amazing facts about the things on Earth: ** Brazil has a tree that bleeds. ** Mexican football fans once caused an actual earthquake. ** World's smallest computer is smaller than a grain of rice. ...
Located in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific ocean, the Challenger deep is about 36,200 feet deep, which is very VERY deep, much deeper than a human could ever dive safely. In fact, it's so deep down there that barely anything lives there, because so little light and oxygen reaches it...
Ocean Facts Octopus Facts Panda Facts Paraguay Facts Penguin Facts Peru Facts Phobia Facts Pluto Facts Pollution Facts Poverty Facts Pregnancy Facts Psychology Facts Recycling Facts Russia Facts Saturn Facts Science Facts Shakespeare Facts Shark Facts ...
Giant clams have a combination of colours that vary, and include yellow, red, orange, green, pink, blue and brown, and it is said that every clam is unique in its appearance. Giant clams are said to be able to produce 500 million eggs at once, that are released in the ocean and onc...
Small steps like using cloth bags, getting tap-leaks fixed at once, shutting down the computer, switching off appliances – if practiced collectively – can go a long way towards restoring the balance. And, once you jump into this ocean of change, you will subconsciously make sure that the ...
Join tree planting, river cleaning, and ocean clearing activities. Join animal rescue efforts. Out of the list, how many have you done? Random Acts of Kindness Worksheets This is a fantastic bundle that includes everything you need to know about Random Acts of Kindness across 21 in-depth pag...