RandomNumberGeneration PierreL’Ecuyer 1 D´epartementd’InformatiqueetdeRechercheOp´erationnelle,Universit´ede Montr´eal,C.P.6128,Succ.Centre-Ville,Montr´eal(Qu´ebec),H9S5B8,Canada. http://.iro.umontreal.ca/~lecuyer 1Introduction Thefieldsofprobabilityandstatisticsarebuiltoverthe...
Liu X,Lu W,Deng X,Christian M.Simulation of ran- dom crack generation in concrete members with uniform stress fields.Journal of China University of Mining & Technology. 2006Liu;X;Lu;W;Deng;X;Christian;M.Simulation of ran- dom crack generation in concrete members with uniform stress fields....
摘要原文 Pseudo-random number generators of the power residue (sometimes called congruential or multiplicative) type are discussed and results of statistical tests performed on specific examples of this type are presented. Tests were patterned after the methods of MacLaren and Marsaglia (M&M). ...
This method of digital random number generation is unique in its approach to true random number generation in that it is implemented in the processor’s hardware and can be utilized through instructions added to the Intel 64 instruction set. As such, response times a...
A non-uniform random number generation package in R for simulating extremely truncated log-concave distributions - mlambardi/truncLCdist
OPEN SUBJECT AREAS: NANOPHOTONICS AND PLASMONICS COMPUTER SCIENCE Received 7 May 2014 Accepted 25 July 2014 Published 12 August 2014 Chaotic oscillation and random-number generation based on nanoscale optical-energy transfer Makoto Naruse1, Song-Ju Kim2, Masashi Aono3,4, Hirokazu Hori5 & Motoichi ...
A comparative analysis on chaos-based random number generation methods Article 16 May 2022 A high-performance hybrid random number generator based on a nondegenerate coupled chaos and its practical implementation Article 05 September 2022 Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG): theoretical and expe...
(2009). Simulation study to compare the random data generation from Bernoulli distribution in popular statistical packages.Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Re- search, 5 (2), 99-106.Kashyap, M. P., Butt, N. S., & Bhattacharjee, D. (2009). Simulations study to compare the ...
It is thereby possible to design a cryptographically secure random number generator that does not require any assumption about the internal working of the device. Such a strong form of randomness generation is impossible classically and possible in quantum systems only if certified by a Bell ...
6 References Knuth D E (1981) The Art of Computer Programming (Volume 2) (2nd Edition) Addison–Wesley Maclaren N M (1989) The generation of multiple independent sequences of pseudorandom numbers Appl. Statist. 38 351–359 Morgan B J T (1984) Elements of Simulation Chapman and Hall ...