fun fact lists on the Internet is that many of the supposed facts aren't actually facts. If you take the time to check the "fact" it ends up not being true or only partially true. By providing the source for every fun fact in our generator, you can research to easily confirm that ...
Not only is it the largest bone in the body, it's also one of the strongest, able to withstand a force of up to 1,800 to 2,500 pounds. The smallest bone in the human body, meanwhile, is the stapes, which can be found inside the ear, and which helps with transmitting sounds. Al...
Over 28K fans have voted on the 20+ items on Most Unbelievable True Facts Ever. Current Top 3: Neil Armstrong Had To Go Through US Customs After Returning ...
122 of the best random facts 18 best fun facts for children 122 of the best random facts Avocados are a fruit, not a vegetable. They're technically considered a single-seeded berry, believe it or not. The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer, due to thermal expansion ...
Random fact Not rated yetDid you know that when you sneeze your heart stops for a millisecond? interesting facts about temperature Not rated yetthe hottest temperature ever recorded is 57.7 degree celsius and the coldest 88.2 degree celsius. the hottest temperature was recorded in al azizya,Libya...
We are surrounded by some of the weirdest and strangest things around us. You will too believe us after reading these weird and amazing facts: ** Everest is not…
Many websites need to provide avatars when they are used. Sometimes it is not convenient to provide an avatar, or we do not want to use our own avatars because they may be leaked. At this time, maybe you need to use some fake avatars. … ...
"Random Fun Facts is simple and straight forward. It covers topics from animals to sports, and everything in between. It only costs a dollar... that my friends is a bargain in my opinion." - "This app is so fun to read with friends or family. It is very entertaini...
I thought it would be fun for everyone to post any random facts they know (or something you Googled or whatever). It can be about anything as long as it's HP-appropriate. One player posts one fact. I'll start: The Icelandic word for computer is tölva. It was coined in the '60s...
Kris Humphries gets a shout-out, but it's not a nice one. Khloé recounts a time "one of Kim's exes — my least favorite ever — started complaining about life at home. 'Why don't you cook for me?' he told Kim. 'Khloé cooks for Lamar all the time.'" Kris apparently sa...