Advanced Options These name sets apply to this country: Hispanic Logged in users can view full social security numbers and can save their fake names to use later. Arimimochichi Estrela, 69 39470 Piélagos Mother's maiden name Meikachiarimoto ...
Fake name generator - generates random identity to register for different resources and sites. We will help you stay anonymous online. Do not use a real name if you can use fake name.
Fake name, email and phone generator is perfect for filling a form, finding a name for your baby or writing a fiction story. Give it a try!
South Korea Phone Generator Thailand Phone Generator Austria Phone Generator Russia Phone Generator Malaysia Phone Generator Saudi Arabia Phone Generator Turkey Phone Generator Spain Phone Generator China Phone Generator Nigeria Phone Generator Taiwan Phone Generator Ukraine Phone Generator Singapore Phone Generat...
importNameForgeJSfrom'nameforgejs';constgenerator=newNameForgeJS();constgeneratedNames=generator.generateNames({starts_with:["a","f"],ends_with:["g","k"],country:["spain","italy"]});console.log(generatedNames); You can also specify thename_typesetting to generate human names, animal names...
Name generator tools United StatesCanadaEgyptPalestineSaudi ArabiaBulgarianCzechGermanDanishGreekAustraliaGeorgianGreat BritainSpainMexicoEstonianPersian (Iran)FinnishFrenchHindiCroatianHungarianItalianJapaneseKoreanLithuanianLatvianNepaliDutch (Netherlands)NorwegianPolishBrazilPortugalRomanianRussianSloveneSwedishTurkishUkrainianChin...
=> ["Spain"] r.demographic.add_Spanish # the name is handled for you. r.demographics.keys => ["0"] But, you can play about a bit with the name files. For example: r.demographic("Mix n match").add_Spanish person = r.generate puts "#{person.prefix if person.prefix} #{person....
One of the significant advantages of using a Random Number Generator app is the ability to customize the type of random number distribution needed. The app provides several types of distributions such as uniform, normal, exponential, and Poisson distribution to name a few. The user can choose th...
df%>% count(location_country) %>% arrange(desc(n))#A tibble: 17 x 2location_countryn<chr><int>1Ireland362Turkey363Spain354Canada345France336Australia327Finland328Iran329NewZealand3010Norway3011Germany2912UnitedKingdom2613UnitedStates2514Netherlands2415Switzerland2416Brazil2217Denmark20 ...
Azerbaijan,Tajikistan,Argentina,New Zealand,Mauritius,RSAx2,Kyrgyzstan,Botswana,Burkina Faso,Mozambique,Ireland, Romania, Scotland, Iceland, UK, Germany, Spain(x9), Austria,France, Serbiax3, Portugal, Arctic/Nunavut, & Nunavik, Macedonia, Canada...