A loyal Derry City supporter, Vinny’s funeral on Tuesday was a sea of red and white. We however knew Vinny from the musical side, he was kind enough to dig out footage of Bam Bam & The Calling performing on ‘Channel One’ at The Venue in Derry many years ago and we often pestere...
The Celebrex seems to have that under control. Now I have random tender spots on my back over the ribs, sensitive to the touch. I don't know what that's about. I just wish the tooth/jaw pain would leave. Ibuprophen eases that pain. Does anyone know what is going on? Reply ...
“Nice to see you again Jane.” Harvey said, showing them into an interview room. Jane and Connor sat on one side of the table as Harvey sat on the opposite side and took out a laptop. Jane handed over the flash drive. Harvey took it, plugged it into the laptop and began clicking ...
Slightly parted to the side, the waves emphasized her jawline and sultry lips. She can do almost anything with her long hair and manage to look great. During the Hairtamin red carpet appearance, Leyla’s jet black hair was a standout. For someone considered as the queen of hairstyles, sh...
As I was being consistently wrong about everything, as I am wont to do, I heard a mighty yell of ‘D haaa’ and smack, patu on the point of the jaw. Shut me right up I must say. Alan – Author (sort of, he had one ok book but the rest are all pretty crap) ...
so I started to wind my way back to my side of town, quickly realizing that the martinis are not helping my sense of direction. I talk myself onto a gondola that gets me closer, but once dropped off, my phone decides to call it quits on the day, overworked from all the twists and...
Now I’ll admit I’m one of the rarer cases, but I’ve never got on with those bloody pills from day one. Over multiple experiments with different combos, the side effects have been constant, varied, and always unpleasant. The first regime sent my cholesterol soaring to 6.5 (not great ...
in spirit if they can’t in person, will stand by your side and support you and encourage you. I can only hope that I am as much of a friend to her as she is to me. That goes for my other friends as well – I hope you consider me a good friend, one that is there for you...
“Dear Lord if it would ease your pain, Gladly my Cross I’d bear.” Well you see my Teddy is cross-eyed!” As you will have guessed so was the one I bought at auction, actually my wife was so sorry for it and with no one else bidding, I had to buy it didn’t I?
The pain was back—by now an old and familiar foe—spreading down his arm, up to his neck. But he did not want the boy to know. He found a smile, said, “It has been more than three years, after all. Joanna grows im-patient—and I’ve never been one to keep a lady waiting....