Such overrides would be allowed only if the poster has sufficient “override points”, which are consumed each time a poster overrides the AI (perhaps a fixed number per post, or perhaps variable based on the how far out of spec the AI deems to the post); once they’re out of points ...
Japanese Character Bulk Insert Job fails from warnings? Null value is eliminated by an aggregate Job problem : The process could not be created for step 1 ... Join between view and table JOIN ON varchar VS join on int Join Tables on Condition if the parameter is not null Join Two table...
When the AccessToken expires you need to request a new one, and the ‘PIN number’ is a RefreshToken (another property in TokenResponse) which also got issued when the service validated you. You can save the refresh token and re-use it as many times as you need. It won’t work witho...
When Treehouse Friend went to Japan a couple years ago, everyone else was pretty jealous. We love anime, Japanese food, traditional dress, architecture and pretty much every part of Japanese culture that the world at large finds valuable and interesting. In Japanese anime, whenever someone does ...
“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”–Japanese Proverb “Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will like the real you.”—Oreki Houtarou “Dear Teenager: Keep learning. Be curious. Be honest.Work Hard. Have Fun. Stop listening to naysayers. Keep good ...
For instance, one would think that the cell phone, being a modern invention, would take on the Japanese version of the English word. Not so. The word for cell phone is ‘keitai’ (kay-tie). The word for a home telephone is ‘denwa.’ Go figure. So here is a brief list of words...
Researchers have shown that a chip-based device measuring a millimeter square could be used to generate quantum-based random numbers at gigabit per second speeds. The tiny device requires little power and could enable stand-alone random number generators
In 1941 came Pearl Harbor, and in 1942 Pete was drafted into the army. Meanwhile, he had a sweetheart –Toshi Ohta whose father was a Japanese political refugee. Pete and Toshi married during one of his furloughs. They were so poor that Toshi paid the $2 for their license. From that ...
(but clearly cannot throw away,) a grocery bag containing newspaper headlines from the day the Japanese surrendered at the end of WWII, saved by my great-grandfather (why I was entrusted with these, I have no idea) and a few pictures that took me back to the year John and I married ...
Video: Amateur video: Tsunami destroys Japanese village Nuclear Reactor: Why I am not worried about Japan’s nuclear reactors Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT Nuclear Energy Institute: Information on the Japanese Earthquake and Reactors in That Region ...