Mother's maiden name Harrison SSN 627-30-XXXX You shouldclick hereto find out if your SSN is online. Geo coordinates 29.678011, -95.386294 Phone Phone 281-206-2215 Country code 1 Birthday Birthday May 31, 1967 Age 57 years old Tropical zodiac ...
A secure optical digital image encryption scheme with authentication capability is proposed using double random-phase encoding (DRPE) and compressed sensing (CS). Phase information of the plaintext image is obtained using DRPE and quantized to generate authentication information. Simultaneously, the plai...
In this paper we model the concept of "coarseness", typically used in texture image descriptions, by means of fuzzy sets. Specifically, we relate represent... J Chamorro-Martínez,E Galán-Perales,D Sánchez,... - International Conference on Knowledge-based & Intelligent Information & Engineering...
Full size image The highly secure measurement-device independent (MDI) QRNG protocol, which belongs to the SDI class, can remarkably certify private randomness even in the case that the detectors are under the control of an eavesdropper25,40. In the MDI scenario, a user in need of random num...
Full size image To see this, first note that detector D alone can determine whether the particle went upward or downward. Indeed, if D detected the particle (zi = 1), it means that it went down due to (B’); and if not (zi = 0), two conditions together say that it wen...
The following image shows the specification of our novel LOD specification ("Delft LODs") according to which the models are generated. This specification will be published in details. Besides the LODs, the engine generates multiple representations according to geometric references within LODs, e.g. ...
We propose a random convolutional neural network to generate a feature space in which we study image classification and retrieval performance. Put briefly we apply random convolutional blocks followed by global average pooling to generate a new feature, and we repeat this k times to produce a k-...
Registration means finding the relation between image coordinates and a reference coordinate system. The algorithm consists of two steps. The first one is the automated generation of control points. An automated matching based on normalized cross correlation is used. We have improved the accuracy of ...
Full size image Discussion We have shown here that the rate of turnovers in true frogs is extremely fast, with at least 13 turnover events observed among 28 species within approximately 55 M years. In some cases, this has resulted in sex chromosomes that are likely less than 3.6 M yea...
Full size image Detection of large DNA rearrangements by WGS To confirm that the genomes of some mutants carried multiple copies of the transposon, the genomes of two mutants (28-1 and 29-1) were completely sequenced. The WGS data revealed the presence of variable copy numbers of the transpos...