Random House for High School Teachers | Catalog | The Solemn Lantern Maker by Merlinda BobisMerlinda Bobis has received numerous awards, prizes and fellowships for her fiction, poetry and plays, among them the Prix Italia for the Steel Rudd Award for the Best Published Collection of Australian...
Our group maker simplifies the process by automatically assigning people to groups and instant show the random teams. We value your feedback! If you have any suggestions or feedback about our Group Randomizer, please send us a message on Facebook or Instagram. Export Teams to Excel You have ...
If she isn’t so into you that she wants a baby WITH you, then she’s either already married, or she’s toying around until some other guy awakens her baby maker. An awake woman will want very very very frequent baby making.
October 5 2023 All reading communities should contain protected time for the sake of reading. Independent reading practices emphasize the process of making meaning through reading, not an end product. The school culture (teachers, administration, etc.) should affirm this daily practice time as inhere...
There were also typical patriarchal reactions such as “Oh so you are quitting to become a housewife?”“cool, good thing to pass time, keep yourself busy” … Not that I undermine the role of a home-maker, but it saddens me to see that the value of married woman in the society is...
I first read *And then there were none*, a detective thriller, where Agatha decides to mete justice to a group of ten that the hands of justice could not reach. At the end of the book you still can’t tell who is sending the poor people to their maker. ...
We even had another kind friend donate disposable cups and lids, which have already been used by teachers on the go! Oh my goodness! What started off as a little dream to revamp our laptop lab has truly turned into a community project of love! Thank you SO MUCH for your support!
from one another. Together with our other friends, we made cat calls and threw jokes about all manner of subjects. We mimicked the verbal mannerisms of our teachers and enjoyed robust cackles from time to time. At leisure, the quadrangle became a temporary field for “five-a-side” ...
Although it took a little adjusting (probably for me more than anyone!), I can count on 1 hand the number of times your teachers said that any tears were shed. And a couple of those times were from falling down while climbing a tree which I count as a win anyway! I loved watching ...
I told a group I belong to that I had an urge to get out on a soapbox and speak my mind about how we need to continue doing good for others and to let go of our old ways of violent protests. Would anyone listen? I pray for the families who have suffered and died due to this ...