Put on your lab coat & prepare to examine the Web's most interesting science facts, including info about space, natural disasters, the human body, & math.
In the five sections given below, we present the most im- portant notions and facts about matrices related to (undirected) graphs. 1. Graphs. 2. The adjacency matrix and its eigenvalues. 3. Other matrix representations. 4. Graph parameters. 5. Association schemes....
PizzaRulesProductsLiveBirthdayBuyersEscape RoomOddsActsChaoticMath and ScienceMapsMade UpGoliath BirdeaterMummiesFactsArtifactsSignsTeasersReal LifePatientsGeographyDivingNamesWTF StoriesTheoriesSurviveTortureWorld War IISexismFamous Cult LeadersFriendsWholesomeSatisfyingMemesMakeupPop CultureSarcastic AnswersObviousStories ...
These are ready-to-use worksheets that are perfect for teaching students about Random Acts of Kindness which can inspire others to pay it forward because it can trigger a chain reaction of people being kind to others. Complete List Of Included Worksheets Random Acts of Kindness for Kids Facts ...
So, here you have it. 19 random facts about Josh Weed. 1. I lost my retainer about one year after getting my braces off but all these years later my teeth have remained straight. (It’s about the only thing about me that is.) ...
Interestingly, a density profile for the \mathcal{O}(1/\sqrt{n})-interface about the edge is computed in [58, Eq. (3.4)]. The profile bears a formal resemblance to Eq. (3.12), and also to the soft/hard edge plasma function studied in [15, 16, 47]....
1001 Facts to Make your Brain Explode! Even if you visit Factslides.com every day to get your dosis of new facts —just like over 1 million visitors do every month—, in this book you'll find facts you've never seen before!
This also seemed to be an appropriate place to spell out some basic facts and conjectures from prime number theory and the relations between them as seen from my personal (i.e. ergodic) perspective. Continue reading → Posted in Classic results, Number Theory, Probability | Tagged Chowla, Ma...
Part of the challenge is to read novels that pre-date your birth year, which in my case turns out to be 1972. However, two of my four recommends were published that year, so I’m going to fudge the math a little. And I’m also going to fudge the challenge a bit in that two I...
The following result provides a sharper rate of decay of the operator norm of\mathcal {P}_\lambda ^n. It holds without restrictions on the dimension of the Cantor set. Proposition A.3 Let\varepsilon >0and\delta _{\varepsilon }=\frac{25}{32}-2\varepsilon. For alln\in \mathbb {N...