2. Both Washington and Alexander Hamilton deeply feared the Revolution might be followed by chaos or even a civil war. Of course, the American Civil War did follow eight decades later and resentment among fringe groups still lingers in the South to this day. ...
Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Washington: A Life and Alexander Hamilton Jane Fonda Award-winning actress, bestselling author, and activist About Us Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau represents bestselling authors, literary legends, cutting-edge thinkers, and current tastemakers—the best selection...
Alexander Hamilton Posted onNovember 4, 2016byjstueve So thanks, Brenna for getting that ear-worm of a musical stuck in my brain. Enough that I start to write to get things unstuck our of my brain, and interested enough about the guy on the ten dollar bill to read his biography. ...
by: Hendy In: Facts, History, Lifestyle Sep 20, 2023 GIF Cock rings were commonly used in Jin- and Song-era China (around 1200) and were made from the eyelids of goats. The goats’ eyelashes were usually left on to add an extra bit of stimulation for the humans involved. GIF Juliu...
by:Hendy In:Facts,History,Lifestyle Sep 20, 2023 GIF Cock rings were commonly used in Jin- and Song-era China (around 1200) and were made from the eyelids of goats. The goats’ eyelashes were usually left on to add an extra bit of stimulation for the humans involved. ...