as had been impressed upon me often enough, a frightful thing. Yet there was nothing frightening about Sophie. She was simply an ordinary little girl. – if a great deal more sensible and brave than most. Yet according to the Definition… ...
Seems like more people than ever finally care about water, land, and air pollution, but the climate change cash grab scam is designed to put more of your money into the bank accounts of greedy politicians. Those power-hungry schemers try to trick us withbad dataand lies aboutoverpopulationwh...
However, sometimes books shifted focus. For example, inStolen Focus, the author steered the theme from distraction due to technology into distraction due to ADHD, abuse, nutrition, pollution, and other angles. Was it in the service of padding for page count, or was the author digging deep?
“Like a shadow that does not permit us to jump over it, but moves with us to maintain its proper distance, pollution is nature’s answer to culture. When we have learned to recycle pollution into potent information, we will have passed over completely into the new cultural ecology.”– W...
Seems like more people than ever finally care about water, land, and air pollution, but the climate change cash grab scam is designed to put more of your money into the bank accounts of greedy politicians. Those power-hungry schemers try to trick us with bad data and lies about overpopulat...
European Bioplastics–Bioplastics, Facts and Figures 2017. Available online: (accessed on 28 July 2017). Rabnawaz, M.; Wyman, I.; Auras, R.; Cheng, S. A roadmap towards green packaging: The current status and future outlook for polyesters in the packagin...
The facts that Delhi’s model and optimizer settings are drastically different from Beijing and that Delhi’s model stopped learning within ~20 epochs, while Beijing lasted around 100 epochs, also support this explanation. The comparison implies that the settings of the RF–CNN joint model and ...