There are two broad classes of observational errors: random error and systematic error. Random error varies unpredictably from one measurement to another, while systematic error has the same value or proportion for every measurement. Random errors are unavoidable but cluster around the true value. Sy...
Effect of inventory method on niche models: random versus systematic error. Ecol. Inform. 18, 20-34. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2013.05.001.Lintz, H.E.; Gray, A.N.; McCune, B. Effect of inventory method on niche models: Random versus systematic error. Ecol. Inform. 2013...
First, there is an increase from 4 to 6% in random error for modeled predictions from the different inventories when compared to modeled predictions from two samples of the same inventory. Second, systematic error (or directional disagreement among modeled predictions) is detectable for 4 out of ...
This paper presents a simulation tool for the rigorous analysis of the final uncertainty associated to different methodologies for noise figure characterization. The simulation tool permits the analysis of the combined effect of systematic errors and underlying uncertainties versus any significant characteristi...
Q-factor estimates based on a reflection versus wavelength measurement on an Agilent Technologies 8720C Microwave Network Analyzer gave a Q-factor of approximately 1000 for an empty resonator. For a condition with a load in the resonator... J Michael,A Dogariu,M Shneider,... - Aiaa Aerospace...
aThe ratio of the efficiency of incorporation of incorrect versus correct nucleotide bT/N, template nucleotide and dNTP incorporated cPol III (α + β, γ complex + SSB, no ε; dPol IV (β, γ complex + SSB) eHigh rate due to dNTP-stabilized misalignment where G is incorporated op...
Unlike simple random samples, stratified random samples are used with populations that can be easily broken into different subgroups or subsets. These groups are based on certain criteria, then elements from each are randomly chosen in proportion to the group’s size versus the population. In our...
into cells, irrespective of the SM parameters. We investigate the difference in the fraction of cells consumed by so-called extinct versus established virus infections, and find that this distinction becomes biologically meaningless as the probability of establishment approaches zero. We explain why the...
In the experiments, we use error-compensation techniques to tackle systematic error due to misalignments and imperfection of wave plates, and achieve about a 100-fold reduction of the systematic error. The experimental results demonstrate that the improvement of adaptive quantum state tomography over ...
The second is a quantum phase transition controlled by the error per cycle; to identify it analytically and experimentally, we create a weak-link model, which allows us to vary the strength of the noise versus coherent evolution. Furthermore, by presenting a random circuit sampling experiment in...