The use of individual patient data allows for the re-analysis of each study in a consistent fashion and thus makes meta-analysis of time-to-event data feasible. Time-to-event data can be analysed using proportional hazards models, but incorporating random effects into these models is not ...
Meta-analysis里面的FE和RE分别对应于HLM的“固定斜率”和“随机斜率”,不过这里的“斜率”应理解为元分析不同Study的效应量。效应量本身可以看做是Level 1的斜率,而效应量的标准误则对应于Level 1(组内)的残差。总体来说,Meta-analysis大多采用RE模型(即HLM的随机斜率模型)。 参考文献 Borenstein, M., Hedges,...
fixed effect meta-analysis假定所有研究都估计固定的treatment effect,然而random effects meta-analysis允许不同研究中的treatment effect 差异。 fixed effect和random effects meta-analyses的区别:如下图,95%置信区间的Forest plots,fixed effect meta-analysis提供了对common treatment effect的最好估计,fixed effect假定...
S. T. Random effects coefficient of determination for mixed and meta-analysis models. Commun Stat Theory Methods, v.41, n.3, p.953-969, 2012.Demidenko, E., Sargent, J., & Onega, T. (2012). Random effects coeffi- cient of determination for mixed and meta-analysis models. Communi- ...
Meta-analysis has been widely applied to rare adverse event data because it is very difficult to reliably detect the effect of a treatment on such events in an individual clinical study. However, it is known that standard meta-analysis methods are often biased, especially when the background in...
Also included is an “immediate” commandmetani, which accepts numlists or matrices as input rather than variables in memory; and themetanntprogram for use as a post-analysis command with binary data, to display estimated intervention effects in terms of the absolute reduction in risk and number...
Random-effectsmeta-analysisismostcommonlyper- formedbasedonanunderlyinghierarchicalmodelinclud- ingtwounknownsasparameters:theeffectμ,whichisthe figureofprimaryinterest,andthebetween-studyvariance (heterogeneity)τ 2 ,whichisanuisanceparameter.Infer- encethenisusuallydonesequentially,byfirstderiving anestimateofthe...
Previously, Henmi and Copas (Statistics in Medicine 2010, 29: 2969--2983) proposed a confidence interval for the overall effect in random-effects meta-analysis that is robust to publication bias to some extent. As is evident from their simulations, the confidence intervals have improved coverage ...
mvmeta: Stata module to perform multivariate random-effects meta-analysis Author: Ian White Version: 4.0 Date: 7apr2022 This package includes the mvmeta_make command which prepares data for mvmeta. mvmeta_make version: 4.1, date 27jul2023 What's new in version 4 mvmeta_make: a prefix syn...
There are two popular statistical models for meta-analysis, the fixed-effect model and the random-effects model. The fact that these two models employ similar sets of formulas to compute statistics, and sometimes yield similar estimates for the various parameters, may lead people to believe that ...