Meta-analysis 从相关研究中整合定量数据,并产生能够总结研究整体的结果。例如某些研究汇总risk ratio,然后统计生成summary estimate of the treatment effect。 Meta-analyses使用fixed effect或random effects统计模型。fixed effect meta-analysis假定所有研究都估计固定的treatment effect,然而random effects meta-analysis允许...
random effectIt is widely held that random-effects summary effect estimates are more conservative than fixed-effects summaries in epidemiologic meta-analysis. This view is based on the fact that random-effects summaries have higher estimated variances and, consequently, wider confidence interva...
Meta-analysis里面的FE和RE分别对应于HLM的“固定斜率”和“随机斜率”,不过这里的“斜率”应理解为元分析不同Study的效应量。效应量本身可以看做是Level 1的斜率,而效应量的标准误则对应于Level 1(组内)的残差。总体来说,Meta-analysis大多采用RE模型(即HLM的随机斜率模型)。 参考文献 Borenstein, M., Hedges,...
effectrandomfixedeffectsmetaanalysis .Meta-Analysis©2007Borenstein,Hedges,Rothstein|1 Meta-Analysis Fixedeffectvs.randomeffects MichaelBorenstein LarryHedges HannahRothstein .Meta-Analysis©2007Borenstein,Hedges,Rothstein|2 Section:Fixedeffectvs.randomeffectsmodels...3 Overview...3 Fixedeffectmodel......
A Stata package to perform meta-analysis of aggregate (summary) data Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for combining results from multiple independent studies, with the aim of estimating a single overall effect. The routines in this package provide facilities to conduct meta-analyses of binary...
“s”)ere because in a fixed effect model ,we assume that theffect sizes in our meta-analysis differ only because ofampl ing error and they al l share a common mean Our effect sizes differ from each other because each studysed a different sample of participants–and that is the only...
When conducting a meta-analysis of clinical trials with binary outcomes, a normal approximation for the summary treatment effect measure in each trial is inappropriate in the common situation where some of the trials in the meta-analysis are small, or the observed risks are close to 0 or 1. ...
Perform a fixed-effects multivariate meta-analysis of variables y1 and y2 with standard error variables s1 and s2, and assume a within-study correlation value of 0 meta mvregress y1 y2, fixed wsevariables(s1 s2) wcorrelations(0) Perform multivariate meta-analysis of three effect-size variable...
Additionally, intervention effect estimates with corresponding standard errors or confidence intervals may be meta-analysed. Recently added facilities include by() processing and an update to Stata 9 graphics. This is an updated version of metan as published in STB-44, authored by Michael J Brad...
Meta-analysis has been widely applied to rare adverse event data because it is very difficult to reliably detect the effect of a treatment on such events in an individual clinical study. However, it is known that standard meta-analysis methods are often biased, especially when the background in...