DroidGenerator<Person> generator = new DroidGenerator<>(Person.class); List<Person> persons = generator.generate(5);simply :)Include in build.gradlerepositories { maven { url 'https://dl.bintray.com/android-infoedge/maven/' } }For module//For android to take advantage of AsyncTask compile...
\\CODE Random generator = new Random (); String randomumber = generator.Next (100000, 999999) .ToString (itemEntry.Text); All replies (1)Monday, June 11, 2018 2:10 PMThe parameter to the ToString method is a format, not a destination. If you want to put the random number into your...
Before quoting what is a fine piece of markiting droid speach dressed up as technical prose, the random number generator continuously tests itself and the random data it is generating I urge you to please think carefully on the implications of this before making a reply, because so far it’s...