For truth or dare, enter creative truths and dares onto the wheel. Then take turns spinning to reveal which one each player must do. Get inspiration for drawing or writing prompts by entering various genres, objects, and concepts onto the wheel. Spin to get a random prompt. ...
Michael has been on paternity leave for the past two weeks and has been responsible for responding to Colt & Finn each morning but on Monday he’ll go back to work and I need to be prepared to be fully available for the boys when their clock turns yellow at 7:50am so a 7:30am fe...
Though she had to have a bone removed from her leg and set in her back to keep it straight, and spent a few years in a wheel chair and then had to take her first steps with the help of crutches, they still never forgot the little girl with the mom who “believed.” My mom went...
but it shouldn’t be. Drawing from her experience as a doctor in the US healthcare system, Means emphasizes that feeling like shite is not inevitable. The book is a framework for optimizing your
[last updated: November 21, 2024] Introduction The past decades we often received support requests that we found out were related to/caused by (often already fixed) bugs in Excel. This article shows information on how to update your Excel installation an
At its introduction, I had our 3-year old daughter demonstrate its drawing program; cajoling our visitors that if a 3-year could use it so could they (and I still have that original computer in its original carrying case safely stored in my basement). That 3-year old is now a Doctor ...
Programming for the iPhone, a highly graphical device, necessarily involves a substantial amount of image manipulation. Its SDK therefore provides an abstraction calledUIImagethat handles much of the effort in importing and drawing images. For example, imagine you want to load a JPEG file, scale ...