In the case of the current version of the JUR01 quantum generator, more than 7 tests for the first sample have failed (another test was carried out with the second sample—also failed) which, according to both the original NIST interpretation and the interpretation proposed by51, proves that ...
To be precise, we define arandom eventas a visible or large effect with an invisible, small, or nonexistent cause. The result of flipping a coin is a random event, as is the drawing of a card from a deck of shuffled cards, or the arrival times for email. ...
Fals began drawing shapes in the sand with its finger. “This shape represents a sound,” it said. “This one represents another.”“This one is Ah. This one is Kuh.” Fals made shapes for many sounds. Spek learned them and began spelling words. He was amazed. The words remained after...
. . , Ri−1 and the current drawing Ri. By properly choosing M , we can make R behave exactly as F , i.e., have the q-prefixes of R achieve the same joint distribution as the q-prefix of F . In particular, this means that the event that the processes R and F behave ...