Wildlands Full Name Full names from the Wildlands culture. wildlandsnames Day of the Week Drama & current affairs generator for High Fantasy and DnD campaign level adventure hooks! This generator will help you spawn ideas for the Drama section (current affairs) of your world's meta section! Thi...
For online games, for example, DND, the same rule applies. It Must Suit The Character. It is very important that you come up with a nickname for a human, an elf, or even a dragon. Put Meaning Into Your Nickname. It is desirable that the name reflects the character's character. It'...
Earthen Keep of the Crocodile God- In the Black Swamp, the waters have retreated and the remains of an earthen keep have been revealed. Rumors of a dark god's temple within, containing riches and magic, have spread through the bars and taverns in town. Will your party explore the Earthen...
If the issue persists, search for solutions in theissues sectionon GitHub and thediscussion forum. If you cannot find a solution, create a new issue and give it a descriptive name, such as "Wildcard values are being ignored in prompt templates". Provide the necessary context, including the ...
point 10−10 and MRSEfixed-point ≃ 10−1 ; naturally, the method is not as accurate as Newton's one, for which MRDENewton 10−12 andTMheR'SNEENMewTtoRnO≃PY1'0P−y6tbhuotnispmacukcahgefaAstsearnasadNdeiwtitoonna'sl algorithm result, we requires ≃ 1188 seconds to ...
wweemmoovveeffrroommtthheeaall-l-ooppttiiccaallBB--CCAAMMcceelllttooththeepprreesseennttaattiioonnooffththeeaall-l-oopptticicaall TT-C-CAAMMceclelllaracrhcihtietcetcutruereanadnditsitisnitnertceorcnonnencteicotnioinn iannaanll-aolpl-toicpatilcTa-lCTA-CMArMowroawrraanrgraenmgeenmt teanrtgtea...
We name the model as HL-RW (Hybrid Location-based Random Walk), which is shown below. qui = λ× qUuiL−RW + (1 − λ) × qSuiL−RW (20) where qUuiL−RW and qSuiL−RW are the prediction values of UL-RW model and SL-RW model, respectively. The parameter λ is used...
For example, if you want to avoid prompts containing Greg Rutkowski, add his name to this field. If you are generating many prompts using Magic Prompt, then increasing the Magic Prompt batch size can improve significantly improve prompt generation speed. This may only be noticeable if you are ...
eThyeeylleolwlowararrorowwssininddiiccaattee ffiillooppooddiaiaanadndlamlaemlleiplloipdioad, aias,waesllwaesltlhaesatchcuemacuclautmionuloaftiFo-n of F-acaticntinatatththeeoouutteerr cceelllululalarrmmemembrbanraens.e(sE.–H(E)–THu)buTluinbuimlimn uimnomfluuonroeflscueonrcee:sRceendcaer:...