Step 2: Reset battery stats data on your device All existing battery stats data needs to be removed from your device before we try to capture the data while your app is being used. To reset existing data make the following command line call: 1 adb shell dumpsys batterystats --reset Step...
1.3 The QQID concept QQIDs are a formatted variant of 128-bit numbers. A QQID converts the first 20 bit (five hexadecimal characters) of the number to two integers (0, 1023), and uses the integers to pick two "Q-words" from a table of English four-letter, monosyllabic words. |--...
find x random valuesinrange of 0-ysetx10000sety20for{set i 0}{${i}<${x}}{incr i}{table incr-subtable randomtest key[format%03d[expr{int(rand()*${y})}]]}build output and prove number of resultssetj0setpage""for{set i 0}{${i}<=${y}}{incr i}{if{[table lookup-subtable...
Remarkably, all sketched estimates are 0.08, reproducing the full sample estimate up to the second digit. The sketched homoskedasticity-only standard errors are also very much the same across different methods. The Eicker-Huber-White standard error (i.e., heteroskedasticity-robust standard error) is...
Table 2: Modeling verification, and prediction accuracy evaluation index using random forestregression. 10.7717%2Fpeerj.8243%2Ftable-2. Welcome to Django. In: Practical Django Projects. Apress, pp 1–8.