If you have wandered onto this page, you are likely here because you're interested in finding cool things to draw, cute things to draw, or at least something to draw. Or maybe you're wondering "What should I draw?" If you're looking for stuff to draw then you have definitely landed...
Input the parent’s traits in the parent trait boxes (NOTE: sometimes the 2nd and 3rd Parent trait lists don’t show up in their boxes right away when you click it. This is a known bug that we haven’t figured out how to fix. All you need to do is click the box a few more ti...
You do not have an unlimited supply of money. It is finite, and keeps shrinking when you do silly things like pay the mortgage or the rent or buy the little ones shoes and such. Saving money rocks. Have no monies stinks. You like to rock. Slow internet is painful and wrong. It is ...
This is not only a big change for my son, but it is certainly a big change for me. I’m used to how things are and I am happy to know both my children live home and, for the most part, I know where they are, what they may be doing and most importantly, are sleeping in thei...
Our first stop after Atlanta was Madison, GA, a small town whose claim to fame was that it escaped the ravages of Sherman’s torching of the South during the War of Northern Aggression (just keeping things local). It’s in the middle of nowhere but a nice middle of nowhere with friend...
Strangely you wouldn’t be surprised if a similar report turned up tonight onThe One Show. We giggle at such stories but have things really changed that much in the world of tabloid TV? The Bob Wellings Smoking Scandal During the mid-70sNationwidelaunched an anti-smoking campaign, surprising...
I really never thought I’d be so bummed out about something like this. I’m a bit surprised that I am, to be honest. There are way more important things in the world to be upset about. But the fact is, I don’t really want to play this character anymore, and she’s been my ...
42. homestar runner updates– Here’s an idea: GO TO THE FUCKING SITE AND SEE IF THEY’VE UPDATED. 43. lazy stupid and godless– I am none of those things. Well, maybe lazy. 44. sailing– I’m sailing… away. Set an open course for the virgin… sea. ...
“Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.”– Larry Winget “There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man’s notion that he is less savage than the other savages.”– Ma...
“You are the one that I stay up all night thinking about, coming up with cute things that I wish could happen.”–Unknown “Do you know why I like to think about you? When I think about you, I feel complete, as I`ve never felt before!”–Unknown ...