In a slightly less twisted reality, Palestinians and Kurds should be standing side-by-side against all the powers that try to crush them. What unites us as peoples in terms of history of struggle, aspirations and shared yearnings for freedom is much more than what divides us. ...
Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster– Interplay Like I’ve said many times in the past, I was scared to death by a TV commercial for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as a child. In the ensuing years, that fear would eventually evolve into a fascination with the fictional work and i...
What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have ever done? What is a lie or exaggeration you said to impress a crush? What is the silliest you have ever felt? When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried? What does your mother yell at you when she’s angry? What...
5.GIRLS– Lena Dunham finally offers some refreshingly awkward television. 6. Paul Rudd – He’s still trumped by Gosling but his level of funny is subtle, yet brilliant. I think I like him because he’s my husband’s man crush. Actually, scrap that…it’s still all about the Gosling....
Whether you’re head over heels, hanging with friends, or rocking thesinglevibe, Valentine’s Day is just a good excuse to spread a little extra love. So, grab some chocolate, hug your pals, and enjoy the warm fuzzies! ️
My suspicions of why were either: one, that I did not want to be a lawyer anymore, or two, the feeling that you had a crush on me was real and you just didn’t want me around so you didn’t have to deal with that anymore. Other than those two possible reasons, I have no idea...
Random numbers generated using this method are of a very high quality. The Random Number Generator has successfully passed multiple tests for statistical randomness, including the well-known NIST Statistical Test Suiteand Diehard tests and some of TestU01 Crush randomness tests. ...
We have a laugh with our best friend – the only one with whom you get a good cry (how lucky are we to get one of those?) – about this crush while waiting for it to dissipate. But deep deep down, we still dream of them and that’s ok too. ...
Learn how to build your deck and crush the competition with our Random Dice guideSponsored Content In association with Network N Published: Dec 21, 2020 Random Dice Random Dice is a creative twist on the tower defence genre that sees you creating dice towers with unique abilities in order ...
A test calledPracRandis often used to assess the performance and quality of PRNGs (to determine whether they have different kinds of biases). You may also see references to SmallCrush, Crush or BigCrush -- these are other tests that are sometimes used for the same purpose. ...