Our AI-powered DND encounter generator is designed to bring your Dungeons & Dragons campaigns to life with ease and creativity. From mysterious forests to bustling city streets, our tool crafts unique, engaging encounters tailored to your campaign's needs. Dive into a world where every session ...
Drama & current affairs generator for High Fantasy and DnD campaign level adventure hooks! This generator will help you spawn ideas for the Drama section (current affairs) of your world's meta section! This is a great way to figure what's going on in your fictional world, campaign setting ...
Demon Name Generator Detective Name Generator Aarakocra Name Generator Aasimar Name Generator Drow Name Generator Firbolg Name Generator Dnd Gnome Name Generator Goliath Name Generator Halfling Name Generator Hobgoblin Name Generator Human Name Generator ...
Old School DnD Dungeoneering Blog-This blog is moved to: Dungeoneering.blogspot.com 5 years ago Campaign Chronicle Ravensburg Reboot: Streamlined City Map-I mentioned in my last post how I was tweaking and reworking parts of my Ravensburg setting. Today I streamlined the city map. The old map...
As a practical example, a true random bit generator using the linearized sigmoidal chaotic map is demonstrated. The resulting output is evaluated using the NIST SP800-22 test suite and TestU01. Keywords: robustification; unification; linearization; chaotic map; sigmoid; robust chaos; true random ...
wweemmoovveeffrroommtthheeaall-l-ooppttiiccaallBB--CCAAMMcceelllttooththeepprreesseennttaattiioonnooffththeeaall-l-oopptticicaall TT-C-CAAMMceclelllaracrhcihtietcetcutruereanadnditsitisnitnertceorcnonnencteicotnioinn iannaanll-aolpl-toicpatilcTa-lCTA-CMArMowroawrraanrgraenmgeenmt teanrtgtea...