量子芯片只是在解决特定的问题上好使 | 前几天Google推出了叫Willow的量子芯片,号称能够在五分钟完成当今最快的超级计算机需要10^25年才能算完的计算,引起了巨大轰动。但那这个东西真有那么厉害吗? 其实Google在宣传的时候特别鸡贼。Willow执行这项计算任务被称为“随机电路采样”(Random Circuit Sampling, RCS),是量...
random circuit sampling (RCS) has emerged as the most suitable candidate for a beyond-classical demonstration. The interplay between computational complexity and noise is highlighted
random circuit sampling (RCS) has emerged as the most suitable candidate for a beyond-classical demonstration. The interplay between computational complexity and noise is highlighted
A leading near-term candidate is sampling from the probability distributions of randomly chosen quantum circuits, which we call random circuit sampling (RCS). RCS was defined with experimental realizations in mind, leaving its computational hardness unproven. Here we give strong complexity-theoretic ...
A leading near-term candidate is sampling from the probability distributions of randomly chosen quantum circuits, which we call random circuit sampling (RCS). RCS was defined with experimental realizations in mind, leaving its computational hardness unproven. Here we give strong complexity-theoretic ...
(which is also hand when I need to sample the port for a response from a slave). The pull up on the resistor in my circuit is 10Kohm but I’ve seen 4.7KOhm and I’m sure anywhere in the neighborhood is fine. Finally if you do some digging you’ll notice I run this in low ...
Assuming the thermal power from the main pump transmitted to the primary circuit coolant can be neglected, the specific heat of the U-shaped heat transfer tube, the specific heat and density of the coolant are treated as constants. According to mass balance, volume balance and energy ...