Our inventive drawing prompt generator delivers a rich assortment of ideas, inspired by a variety of subjects, including art history, popular culture, and even Harry Potter. With our endless stream of prompts, you'll never run out of creative juices again. ...
Consider also that the core of the neurons in our brains seem to behave in similar ways and should be subject to quantum probabilities (ie be purely random), yet aren’t. schuylercat Posted 13 September 2006 at 11:25 am Hey Mike, You mean the Earth ISN’T going to end? Damn! I wor...
Files main Pixelate SpaceCat WeatherNow randomMeme README.md index.html preview.png randomNumberGenerator scrapbook README.mdBreadcrumbs LHDBuild22 /randomMeme / README.md Latest commit nanna7077 Create README.md a98a5c6· Jan 16, 2022 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame...
"cat hair", "chicken piss", "dog vomit", "dung", "fat-woman's stomach-bile", "fish heads", "guano", "gunk", "pond scum", "rat retch", "red dye number-9", "Sun IPC manuals", "waffle-house grits", "yoo-hoo", "dog balls", "seagull puke", "cat bladders", "pus", "ur...
Files main Pixelate SpaceCat WeatherNow randomMeme randomNumberGenerator README.md main.py scrapbook README.mdBreadcrumbs LHDBuild22 /randomNumberGenerator / README.md Latest commit nanna7077 Create README.md afe8a68· Jan 14, 2022 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 7 ...
Speech and Image Technologies for Computing and Telecommunications (Cat. No.97CH36162), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 4 December 1997. [CrossRef] 30. Shimizu, J. A Multifractal Traffic Generation Method using Wavelet and Volterra Filtering. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on ...
[1100]],, ccoommpprriissiinngg ttwwoo DD--ttyyppee flfliipp--flflooppss ooppeerraattiinngg aass ssttoorraaggee cceellllss aanndd mmaarrkkeedd wwiitthhaabblluueehhigighhlilgighht.t.TThheefifrisrtstmmememoroyryceclel lilsirsersepsopnosnibslieblfeorfosrtosrtionrginthgethaectaucatludaaltda...