Cassis this morning. It is a forty nine minute drive. An hour if we go the long way around. Will be nice to get there and be able to chill for a bit. I’ve booked a parking space at the back of the hotel. Hopefully will be ok. They don’t have many spots and I’m not th...
AsI’d blogged about a while back, I’d had surgery on my eye I still have some vision in at the end of July. As part of the surgery, they put an air bubble in my eye to take the place of the fluid that they removed while they were doing their thing. The air bubble is some...
The first odd sensation that happened inside that tank was the feeling that I was floating sideways for long distances. I began having a vision that I was floating in the ocean following a dramatic shipwreck. There was steady ringing in my ears that reminded me that chaos was all around. I...