Generate random addresses, name, phone numbers, names, usernames and more basic background information of the world, and generate empolyment & finance infomation, interests, online profile of US,CA,UK,AU.
” Random House would go on to publish more than a few books on the side. In fact, it would publish the first U.S. edition of Ulysses in 1934; become a cherished home to Maya Angelou, Truman Capote, Eudora Welty, Pearl S. Buck, William Faulkner, Edmund Morris, and many, many ...
A book like [this]needs no recommendation beyond its accuracy, comprehensiveness, and serious of purpose." -- Cleveland Plain Dealer"America in 1492 totally shatters the pious fiction that there was no civilization here before the arrival of Columbus." -- Dee BrownAmerica in...
A $5 Million Ticket to America? The sharp drop in consumers’ expectations about the economy brings one of the Conference Board’s metrics below the recession level threshold. Tim SmartFeb. 25, 2025 Consumers Sound Alarm on Trump Economy French President Macron and President Trum...
America 2024 The Best Political Cartoons on Joe Biden Photos Photos: Trump Addresses Congress Photos Picturing This Week in History Photos Photos You Should See - Feb. 2025U.S. News Decision Points Your trusted source for the latest news delivered weekdays from the team at U...
For fans of Zombie literature and film; for lovers of apocalyptic what-if novels; for readers obsessed with the state of paranoia in which we all live (where we face the threats of terrorism, AIDS, avian flu, nuclear weapons, and -- shh! -- the living de
streets, highways and bridges to bring attention to their cause – Black Lives Matter. They are not quiet and should not be. Social injustice is pervasive in America no matter how many laws have been passed to eradicate it. It is the single most blatant failure of the great American ...
once-eager volunteers began to melt away in droves. In fact, prior to thevictory at Trenton in late 1776, as many as half of Washington’s men had absconded. Desertion is once again front page news in America with the case ofSgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Despite...
I devoured Anne Lamott’s new book,Dusk, Night, Dawn. That Anne. For more than 20 years she’s been helping me and she doesn’t even know it. She addresses her fears, times of extreme tetchiness. Now that she’s in her 60s, she says she cycles through the hard patches faster. ...
“Start up” not yet a noun, “IPO” not yet a business plan, e.mail addresses more perceived company perk than assumption. First hints of our mobile future, Internet connections still tethered to a physical location, we roadwarrior vanguard hauling laptops, modems the size of suitcases, ...