faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse('[0-9](3)-[0-9](2)-[0-9](4)')l Or perhaps with common format identifiers, e.g.: faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse('us-ssn'); There are likely multiple "National ID"s for any given country. The US has SSN, passport number, driver's lice...
Generate a alphanumeric id for primary key min 4 digits Generate all the quarters between start and end dates Generate email with Embedded Image using SQL Server Generate n rows in the same query Generate random number between Two number Generate random number which is not exist in table generat...
Generate a alphanumeric id for primary key min 4 digits Generate all the quarters between start and end dates Generate email with Embedded Image using SQL Server Generate n rows in the same query Generate random number between Two number Generate random number which is not exist in table generat...
Securing PDF Files with Last 4 Digits of EIN/SSN Securing PDF Files with Random Passwords Securing PDF Files with Filename-to-Password Table Securing PDF Files Using a Keyword-to-Password Table Running AutoMassSecure from a Command-Line BAT File Download Free Trial Version Buy software online Sy...
“2) current policy initiatives in the area of SSN and identity theft should be reconsidered: most policy-making currently focuses on removing SSNs from databases or redacting their digits, so that they can still be used as “confidential information” – however, since SSNs are predictable from...
Generate a alphanumeric id for primary key min 4 digits Generate all the quarters between start and end dates Generate email with Embedded Image using SQL Server Generate n rows in the same query Generate random number between Two number Generate random number which is not exist in table generat...