The pre-base history of Randolph Air Force Base describes the use of the sitefrom the seventeenth century to 1928. Influenced by the development of the city of San Antonio, approximately 18 miles to the southewest, the land was crossed by Spanish explorers, followed by herders who supplied ...
The history of US Navy aircraft carrier USS Randolph in World War II, and the Cold War 1944-1975
The answer was an undeniable “yes” but even more so than any other collectable trading card game in history, since Hasbro is busy pushing their customer base to their spending tolerance limit and beyond. When I started researching the article, things weren’t so bad in my opinion, but the...
The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds will take to the skies on November 5-6, 2005 for what is slated to be the largest airshow in Texas at Randolph Air Force Base just outside San Antonio, Texas. The show will culminate the 75th anniversary celebration of the base. The N'Awlins Air Show ...