This follows the revelation that banks manipulated the rand and the South African economy. British multinational bank, Standard Chartered, was fined R42 million by the Competition Commission after it admitted to engaging in currency manipulation. "Ramaphosa is part of the white banking system and whit...
Fresh from Lew Rockwell, the internet’s top Austrian school guru Paul backer, and suck up to Jewish manipulation. “Ron Paul for President, 2016 Why not? Walter Block on the next campaign.” You can go today’s website, click on the above, and I bet you can’t make yourself finish...
It is to be noted that in the register arrangement of FIG. 1, both the BI and BD fields of PSR word 100 and 9 bits in length and therefore capable of identifying 512 different banks of data. In the particular example to be discussed herein, each bank of data is defined as having a...