n*rand(1,k)最后由于你取列那肯定是要整数吧,所以 ceil(n*rand(1,k))向上取整。也就是说,你 ind 产生的是n个类中选k个作为初始分类种子 对这句话解释的非常详细了吧
Seeding the random number generator means initializing it to a certain status. Seeding inside the loop means, that all "random" numbers created inside the loop will be the same in each iteration: ThemeCopy for i = 1:3 rand('seed', 1); disp(rand); end Result: 0.51291 0.51291 0.51291 Th...
Suppose the former—that is, there is an element in X that is not in Y. That means that X must overlap with at least one other partition class of B—that is, X overlaps with at least two partition classes of B. Thus, |V|>|A|⇒|A||V|<1 By Theorem 3.5 |V|≥|B|⇒|B...
So we test that the output values of dlib::rand are not // changed in this test. { dlib::rand rnd; std::vector<uint32> out; for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { out.push_back(rnd.get_random_32bit_number()); } const std::vector<uint32> expected = { 725333953,251387296,...
You are producing 1e8 numbers, so it is possible that there's not a single 0 in your sample. cuda side never produces 0-s (it is not supposed to). Using your fix for cuda will introduce subtle distortions, but whatever, the definition of what it means to generate uniformly distributed...
女,56岁,间断水肿8年,加重伴头痛、恶心10天,查体:T 36.5°C,P 110次/分,BP 100/70mmHg,贫血貌,双中下肺可闻及湿啰音,双下肢中度凹陷性水肿。尿常规:蛋白(+++),尿沉渣镜检RBC 10-15/HP,血红蛋白68g/L,血肌酊892nmol/L,钾6.2mmol/L.二氧化碳结合力10mmol/L。该患者最重要的治疗为()...
functions to compute the rar measure for any two clusterings were implemented in matlab (release 14), and are available in additional file 4 or at the toolbox's webpage [ 22 ]. references rohlf fj: methods of comparing classifications. annu rev ecol syst 1974, 5: 101–113. 10.1146/...
function keypressnav(h,evt) %#ok<INUSL> if length(path_cell) > 1 && strcmp(evt.Key,'backspace') && ... isequal(evt.Modifier,cell(1,0)) % Backspace means go to parent folder. dir_up_one() elseif strcmp(evt.Key,'f') && isequal(evt.Modifier,{mod_key})...
Algorithms (in this folder) "KCFC++", command: ./KCF Description: KCF on HOG features, ported to C++ OpenCV. The original Matlab tracker placed 3rd in VOT 2014. "KCFLabC++", command: ./KCF lab Description: KCF on HOG and Lab features, ported to C++ OpenCV. The Lab features are compu...
The original Matlab tracker placed 3rd in VOT 2014. "KCFLabC++", command: ./KCF lab Description: KCF on HOG and Lab features, ported to C++ OpenCV. The Lab features are computed by quantizing CIE-Lab colors into 15 centroids, obtained from natural images by k-means. The CSK tracker [2...