Ranchu goldfish should only be kept with other similarly sized, slow-moving fish. Even with these limitations, you should still try to provide tank mates for your ranchu goldfish. While some fish (such asbettas) are perfectly happy in a tank alone, ranchu goldfish are social fish, and will...
and some people are actually able to pat their ranchus or even train them to do little tricks. The ranchu goldfish was bred in Japan from different types of lionhead goldfish.
"tucked-in" body shape unique to the Red & White Ranchu Goldfish. As a branch developed from Lionhead Goldfish, the Red & White Ranchu Goldfish has a full hood that envelops the entire head with a raspberry-like growth. While this wide-eyed beauty may challenge the conventional notion of...
DiseasePrevention andCountermeasuresofRanchuGoldfish 重在预防 Prevention isKey 要饲养兰寿的话,所有人都会为鱼生病感到烦恼。越晚发现患病,鱼的生存率越低。早期发现、早期治疗自不必说,但在这之前最重要的是不要让鱼得病。为了明确预防的方法,在这里列出疾病预防的五大原则。 Everyone who want to feedRanchuwill ...
1、兰寿(Ranchu)金鱼疾病的预防和对策Disease Prevention and Countermeasures of Ranchu Goldfish重在预防Prevention is Key要饲养兰寿的话,所有人都会为鱼生病感到烦恼。越晚发现患病,鱼的生存率越低。早期发现、早期治疗自不必说,但在这之前最重要的是不要让鱼得病。为了明确预防的方法,在这里列出疾病预防的五大原则...
欢迎下载,希望能帮到你 兰寿(Ranchu)金鱼疾病的预防和对策 Disease Prevention and Countermeasures of Ranchu Goldfish 重在预防 Prevention is Key 要饲养兰寿的话,所有人都会为鱼生病感到烦恼。越晚发现患病,鱼的生存率越低。早期发 现、早期治疗自不必说,但在这之前最重要的是不要让鱼得病。为了明确预防的方法...
4、未蛹牟表巨癣彝督绢扁买创乏驻侩挽纫谴操剥藕澳薯侯龟踌钡掉翅刺俘林眨览狱虹肖洞益泼习腺跳吓酷疵谜险阉鳞兰寿(ranchu)金鱼疾病的预防和对策disease prevention and countermeasures of ranchu goldfish重在预防prevention is key要饲养兰寿的话,所有人都会为鱼生病感到烦恼。越晚发现患病,鱼的生存率越低...
East Coast Ranchu is a ranchu & oranda goldfish online store. These goldfish are bred in the USA from Thai & Chinese Bloodlines. *UNLIKE IMPORTS these do not carry diseases like Costia, Flex, HITH or TB. Shop and view on Live Stream. Shipping in the USA.
RanchuGoldfishDiseasePreventionandCountermeasures 重在预防 要饲养兰寿的话,所有人都会为鱼生病感到烦恼。越晚发现患病,鱼的生存率越低。早期发现、早期治疗自不必说,但在这之前最重要的是不要让鱼得病。为了明确预防的方法,在这里列出疾病预防的五大原则。 Focusonprevention Everyonewillbeworriedaboutthesickofthefish...
Ranchu Goldfish Lionhead Aquarium ID: 688126489 收藏 加入清单 下载版权Hivell TIFF大小 51.3MB 格式JPG 以图搜图 大图:5184× 3456 像素·43.89 cm × 29.26 cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000× 667 像素·35.28 cm × 23.53 cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500× 333 像素·17.64 cm × 11.75 cm·72dpi·JPG 了解...