在Rancher 2.5 之前,Rancher 的 Logging 是一个静态集成。可供选择的聚合器是固定的(包括 ElasticSearch、Splunk、Kafka、Fluentd 和 Syslog),而且只有两个配置级别可供选择(集群级别和项目级别)。 现在,Rancher 的日志聚合更加灵活。通过新的 Logging 的功能,管理员和用户都可以部署符合细粒度收集标准的日志记录,同时...
要将托管 Kubernetes 的提供商作为额外的日志来源,在安装或升级 Logging Helm Chart 时,请启用Enable enhanced cloud provider logging选项。 启用后,Rancher 会收集提供商开放可用的所有其他节点和 controlplane 日志,不同提供商可能有所不同。 如果你已经使用了云提供商的日志解决方案,例如 AWS CloudWatch 或 Google ...
于是从 SUSE Rancher 2.5 版本开始,BanzaiCloud 公司的开源产品 Logging Operator 成为了新一代 SUSE Rancher 容器云平台日志采集功能的组成组件。SUSE Rancher 2.5 版本作为新日志组件的过渡版本,保留了老版本的日志收集方式,并将全新的 Logging Operator 作为实验性功能使用;SUSE Rancher 2.6 版本则已经完全使用了 Logg...
Pass Verified in rancher v2.8.3-rc2 Below are the test cases. Local Cluster Provisioned Rancher with local k8s v1.27.9+k3s1 cluster. Installed rancher-logging:103.0.1+up3.17.10 Setup splunk server to receive logs. Configured Rancher to send logs on splunk server and Verify logs are bei...
Rancher 2.0.6 (HA) 问题,日志收集配置后,仅收集了集群错误Error日志,无应用日志记录 (见文档:https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/tools/logging/) 排查后发现,Rancher带的日志收集/var/log/containers/var/lib/rancher/rke/logs/目录的日志,请注意宿主机的日志记录方式只有json-file方式才会记录到文件...
[rancher-logging] Missing ability to configure resource settings for fluentd statefulset #31099 Closed ebauman opened this issue Feb 2, 2021· 2 comments Closed [rancher-logging] Missing ability to configure resource settings for fluentd statefulset #31099 ebauman opened this issue Feb 2, ...
The kube-api server audit logs aren't collected by rancher-logging as they are placed outside of the directory parsed by the logging operator by default Disclaimer This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire...
The kube-api server audit logs aren't collected by rancher-logging as they are placed outside of the directory parsed by the logging operator by default Disclaimer This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire...
Rancher contains a variety of tools that aren't included in Kubernetes to assist in your DevOps operations. Rancher can integrate with external services to help your clusters run more efficiently. Tools are divided into following categories:
Logging Operator 是 BanzaiCloud 基于云原生场景的开源日志采集方案,SUSE Rancher 2.6 版本在整合了该产品之后,将会在用户的操作下自动部署 Logging Operator 并自动配置 kuberletes logging pipeline。 Logging Operator 架构 以上是 Logging Operator 官方架构图。Logging Operator 使用 CRD 的方式决定了日志采集、规则路由...