以下是一个使用Rancher命令行工具删除网络的示例命令: $ rancher network delete my-network 1. 请将my-network替换为您要删除的网络的名称。 3. 检查通信问题 最后,如果以上解决方法都无法解决问题,那么可能是由于Rancher服务器与底层基础设施之间的通信问题导致的。请确保Rancher服务器可以正常访问和通信底层基础设施,...
v2.4.4 Custom Cluster Since the upgrade to 2.4.4 we have A LOT of network request failed when clicking anywhere in the UI and issues with hanging kubectl commands. Sadly the rancher logs show nothing but : 2020/06/16 14:26:54 [ERROR] Unknown error: context canceled Any ideas on this?
#!/bin/bashecho "=> Start network overlay test" kubectl get pods -l name=overlaytest -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{@.metadata.name}{" "}{@.spec.nodeName}{"\n"}{end}' | while read spod shost do kubectl get pods -l name=overlaytest -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{@.stat...
server_name rancher.example.net; return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } Chrome console log: WebSocket connection to 'wss://rancher.example.net/v1/containerstats/service/?token=secret&sockId=40' failed: HTTP Authentication failed; no valid credentials available Screenshot: Please help me...
The communication between the ingress controller and the pods doesn’t work when you create an RKE2 cluster with Cilium as the CNI and activate project network isolation. Seedocumentationand#34275. RKE2 - Windows: CSI Proxy for Windows will now work in an air-gapped environment. ...
Failed to get job complete status for job rke-network-plugin-deploy-job in namespace kube-system 重新执行一遍 rke_linux-amd64 up --config ./rancher-cluster.yml即可。 设置环境变量 在rancher-01上执行 注意:以rancher用户执行。 代码语言:javascript 复制 mkdir ~/.kube cp kube_config_rancher-cluster...
network.host: #节点的ip地址 ## 下面这两个参数应该是旧版本配置参数,我安装的是7.2版本,对应参数是discovery.seed_hosts 和 cluster.initial_master_nodes #设置集群中master节点的初始列表,可以通过这些节点来自动发现新加入集群的节点
I0723 18:09:05.135171 30 network_policy_controller.go:149] Starting network policy controller I0723 18:09:05.143957 30 server.go:583] Version: v1.18.8+k3s1 I0723 18:09:05.144905 30 conntrack.go:103] Set sysctl ‘net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_max’ to 163840 F0723 18:09:05.144986 30 server...
%docker inspect--format'{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}'rancher_arm172.17.0.3 这是容器内部的ip,在宿主机很显然访问不了,应该用宿主机的ip 代码语言:javascript 复制 kubectl apply-f
8bd9bf4e09f1 rancher/pause:3.1"/pause"About a minute ago Exited (0) About a minute ago k8s_POD_rke-network-plugin-deploy-job-vx48l_kube-system_937aa654-05c5-11ea-8035-000c296c6b53_0 86ad42265145 rancher/hyperkube:v1.14.6-rancher1"/opt/rke-tools/entr…"About a minute ago Up Abou...