中国林蛙(学名Rana chensinensis),又称红肚田鸡,满语称哈士蟆或哈什蟆,是两栖纲无尾目蛙科蛙属的一种两栖动物。状…|基于689个网页 2. 有中国林蛙 ...样提高林蛙越冬期存活率 林蛙即所说的哈士蟆我国主要有中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)和黑龙江林蛙(R.amurensis), 在我 …
黑龙江省中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)群体遗传多样性及区域分化的初步研究(英文)[J]. 肖向红,郑冬,李枫,刘学东.Journal of Forestry Research. 2001(01)肖向红;郑冬;李枫;刘学东.黑龙江省中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)群体遗传多样性及区域分化的初步研究(英文).Journal of Forestry Research.2001...
黑龙江省中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)群体遗传多样性及区域分化的初步研究 本文运用随机扩增多态DNA (RAPD)技术对黑龙江省8个地区野外采集的中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)个体进行群体遗传多样性及区域分化的初步研究。实验筛选出的10个RAPD引... 肖向红,郑冬,李枫,... - 《林业研究(英文版)》 被引量: 18发表: 200...
【HEALTH】林蛙孢子油RANA CHENSINENSIS SPORE OIL 日本製 傳世滋補佳品 至尊保健功效 60粒/瓶,兩瓶装產品品牌: Health 產品產地: 日本製造 產品規格: 120粒500毫克软胶囊 主要成分: 林蛙油,靈芝孢子油,鯊魚肝油,鮭魚油,維生素E。 主要功效: 改善產後體虛,美容養顏,大補元氣,護腎益精,抵抗疲勞,延緩衰老。
温度对中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)蝌蚪生长发育的影响 维普资讯
Preparation of Antibiotic Peptide from Skin of Rana Chensinensis and Study of Its Antibacterial Activity Author: LIU Hong-yu,CUI Hong-bin 摘要 | | 访问统计 | | 相似文献 [20] | 引证文献 | | 文章评论 摘要: 目的从中国林蛙的皮肤中,提取纯化具有抗菌活性的多肽物质,并对其进行抑菌活性的研究。方法...
Key r s:Ranachensinensis;Embryonicdeveopment;Guangdong 中国林蛙(RanachensinensisDavid),属于两栖纲(Amphibia),无尾目(Anura),蛙科(Rani dae),蛙属(Rana).主要分布于寒冷的东北地区,尤以吉林省为主要产地 [1,2] . 中国林蛙是我国著名的经济蛙种,其雌性输卵管干制成的哈士蟆油是一种名贵的中药材 ...
To assess the nutritional value of Rana chensinensis ovum (RCO), fatty acid fingerprinting using gas chromatography (GC) in conjunction with quantitative analysis of multiple components using a single marker (QAMS) was applied. Through analysis of the standard fingerprint of thirteen RCO samples from...
相似短语 Rana temporaria chensinensis中国林蛙 rana temporarian.蛤士蟆;草蛙,欧洲林蛙 Rana temporaria【医】 草蛙, 欧洲林蛙 Rana esculenta食用蛙 Rana versabilis竹叶蛙 rana rugosa皱皮蛙 Rana catesbiana牛蛙 rana pipiensn. 【医】豹蛙 rana clamitansphr. 绿蛙 ...
Nuptial pads, a typical sexually dimorphic trait in anurans, are located on the first digit of the male forelimb in Rana chensinensis and exhibit morphological changes synchronized with breeding cycles. However, the genetic mechanisms underlying its formation and seasonal changes remain poorly understood...