如果没有限时皮肤,它就不会是 Apex Legends 活动,而且还有很多。玩家可以获得一个全新的 Rampart 传家宝扳手,也可以作为一个口香糖分配器,以及新的稀有和传奇皮肤,用于角色 Wraith、Octane、Pathfinder、Fuse、Bangalore 和 Lifeline,展示游戏传奇的样子如果他们有一个更具未来感的转折。该事件将伴随着几个传奇的...
Apex Legends doesn't necessarily function as a defensive-minded title, generally favoring mobility and fast reflexes over staying put for an extended period of time. But that hasn't stopped Respawn from adding in a solid selection of well-rounded defensive legends with varied kits that keep ...
Hot Streak DescriptionWhen playing as Rampart, win 2 games in a row TypeLegend Badge Community content is available underCC BY-NC-SAunless otherwise noted.
Ramya “Rampart” Parekh lost her shop, but she gained an invite to the Apex Games. She may not have set out to become a Legend, but now that she’s here, she’s excited to show the world what Sheila can do. Rampart can’t go home, so she’s going big -- her natural affinity...
Apex Legends | Kill Code: A Life for a Life 0 人观看 4:07 APEX LEGENDS | Stories from the Outlands "For Us, Utang na Loob" 0 人观看 4:17 Apex Legends | Kill Code Part 3 1 人观看 4:16 Apex Legends: Resurrection Launch Trailer | Kill Code - Part 2 ...
Hello. I am a rampart user on the Switch version of APEXLegends. I have a question since the Switch version of APEXLegends was released. I know that the... - 8530223
No RepliesBe the first to reply About Apex Legends Feedback Apex Legends™: Takeover Patch Notes
When one door burns to the ground, another opens. Ramya “Rampart” Parekh lost her shop, but she gained an invite to the Apex Games. She may not have set out to become a Legend, but now that she’s here, she’s excited to show the world what Sheila...
The first major event of Season 10 has finally been announced. It is a Collection Event and it is themed around Apex Legends’ youngest fight: Rampart. She has two different Takeovers, and with this event collection, she is getting her Heirloom. This makes her the third Legend not in the...
How To Play Rampart in APEX Legends? Screenshot: Ramparts abilities in APEX Legends. Rampart is a defensive hero, but her strengths can also turn to weaknesses very quickly. If used right, she’s the toughest nut to crack in the defensive category. The downside is part of using appropriate...