Build Rammus with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire's build guides. Whether you are completely new to Rammus or looking to refine your playstyle, we will help you take your Wild Rift game to the next level. Learn Rammus's abilities in detail, the best items to build, which skills...
拉姆斯——披甲的龍龜,速度的化身。拉姆斯追求速度的玩法讓《激鬥峽谷》的製作團隊煞費苦心。他在2.2版本推出之後,我們決定來跟各位分享一下,為何這個在《英雄聯盟》PC版存在了將近12年的英雄會變成大家在手機版看到的那樣。我們也會談談把英雄從PC版移植到手機上的作法與考量。 在《激鬥峽谷》中,拉姆斯的主要改動如...
League of Legends: Wild Rift - Team up with friends and test your skills in 5v5 mobile MOBA combat.