Raman-Ramseyinteraction,Three-levelatom. I.Introduction Sincetheac(alternativecurrent)Starkefectwasfirst discoveredin1962byC.Cohen—Tannoudjil, .ithasbeen investigatedboththeoreticallyandexperimentallyinvarious systemsl3,41 .Becauseofitsimportanceinthestudyoffunda- ...
L. Knight, "The- ory of ultra-high-resolution optical Raman Ramsey spectrosco- py," Opt. Acta 33, 459 (1986); D. Pegg, "Interaction of three- level atoms with modulated lasers," Opt. Acta 33,363 (1986); N. I. Shamrov, "Induced transparency in resonant induced Raman scattering," ...
Raman-Ramsey interference has proved a very effective technique to implement compact and high performing vapor cell frequency standards. In this paper, we theoretically characterize Raman-Ramsey resonances in an optically thick atomic vapor. Specifically, some parameters of interest for frequency standards...
A Raman-RamseyCscell atomic clock based on Coherent Population Trapping is studied. High contrasts and narrow width Ramsey fringes are achieved by combining an original double-lambda scheme and a pulsed interrogation technique. The pulsed method allows a strong reduction of the light shift effect ...
A Raman-Ramsey Cs cell atomic clock based on Coherent Population Trapping is studied. High contrasts and narrow width Ramsey fringes are achieved by combining an original double-lambda scheme and a pulsed interrogation technique. The pulsed method allows a strong reduction of the light shift effect...
S. Shahriar, "Dem- onstration of Raman-Ramsey fringes using time delayed op- tical pulses in rubidium vapor," Opt. Commun. 281, 4676- 4680 (2008).G. S. Pati, K. Salit, R. Tripathi, and M. S. Shahriar, "Demonstra- tion of Raman-Ramsey fringes using time delayed optical pulses ...
Here, we propose a method to reduce the EIT spectral linewidth using a Ramsey interrogation approach, allowing multiple interrogations of atomic coherence, using either temporally or spatially separated laser beams. Our theoretical calculations predict that the linewidth of such Raman-Ramsey spectral ...
We performed the Ramsey experiment of optical separated oscillatory fields based on a cold continuous ~(87)Rb atomic beam. The beam had a free evolution time of 3.4 ms over a short interaction-zone separation of 42 mm, producing a central Raman-Ramsey fringe with a linewidth of 146 Hz (...