First order Raman spectrum of Cu. M. Balkanski,M. A. Nusimovici and J. Reydellet. Solid State Communications . 1969M. Balkanski, M.A. Nusimovici, J. Reydellet, First order Raman spectrum of Cu2O, Solid State Commun. 7 (1969) 815....
Resonant Raman scattering in Cu2O has been studied at low temperature in the vicinity of its phonon-assisted 1s yellow excitonic absorption edges using a cw continuously tunable dye laser. The multiphonon Raman modes which show resonance enhancement in this region are the following: Γ12-+P (wher...
mode was also observed in SER spectrum at lower wavenumbers with expected Stark shifts (Supplementary Fig.3)45. It is worth noting that CO band intensity on Pt in both SEIRAS and SERS changes only slightly (less than 20 and 30%, respectively) in the investigated potential range of 0.6 to ...
The Raman scattering experiments were carried out in Zn-doped and Zn-free Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ y with optimal hole concentration below and above T c. The energy of pair-breaking peak in the B1 g Raman spectrum, corresponding to the magnitude of superconducting gap 2 螖0...
The electronic Raman scattering (ERS) spectrum of the high-temperature superconductor BiSrCaCuOis studied as a function of cation substitution and oxygen content. In unsubstituted crystals with near and above that for the optimal T, the ERS spectra show a redistribution of spectral weight below T...
line ω −2Ω corresponding to the coherent two-exciton creation in the Raman spectrum. The induced two-photon emission is not possible in this case. The appearance of the lines on frequencies |ω±2Ω| is possible only if excitons are Bose-condensed. If exciton system is in the norma...
(BZ)issmearedbystrongscatteringcomparedtotheob- servedspectrumalongthe(0,0)−(π,π)direction.This anisotropybecomesmorepronouncedasthematerials arefurtherunderdopedwithconcomitantlylowertran- sitiontemperaturesintothesuperconductingstate[2]. Theseeffectshavebeenascribedtoastronglymomen- tumdependentqpself...
A complex Raman spectrum of Cu2O has been measured using the Kr laser line at 6471 , and comparison with the infrared absorption spectrum is made. An F2g Raman active phonon, postulated from symmetry considerations and infrared absorption measurements to lie at either 606 or 181 cm1, could not...
Hgba2cacu2o6+deltaPolarized micro-Raman scattering measurements have been performed on the five members of the HgBa2Can-1CunO2n+2+delta(n=1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) high-T-c superconductor family. A systematic evolution of the spectrum, which mainly involves oxygen-related phonons around 590, ...
The Raman spectrum of the superconducting Bi2Ca1Sr2Cu2Ox phase is characterized by a strong peak at 635 cm1 and a weak feature near 460 cm1. The Raman spectra from microcrystals of Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O composition close to 3233, 3223, 2142 and 4123 have common features with the one of Bi2C...