Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique used to observe vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency modes in a system. It relies on inelastic scattering, or Raman scattering, of monochromatic light, usually from a laser in the visible, near infrared, or near ultraviolet range. The ...
spectroscopy been employed in biomedical research. Particularly relevant to regenerative medicine are recent studies illustrating its ability to characterise and discriminate between healthy and disease states in cells, tissue biopsies and in patients. This review will briefly outline the principles behind R...
Polarised Raman spectroscopy is a vibrational spectroscopic technique that is used widely for the chemical and physical analyses of materials since it is both non-destructive and suitable for remote analysis. In particularly over the last 40 years, the technique has been developed and applied for the...
All the films are studied using Raman spectroscopy: low‐ and high‐temperature V3O5 and VOx (1.673O5 spectrum takes place along the phase transition occurring at approximately 140°C. Moreover, we describe differences between the spectra of VO2 polymorphs produced without doping impurities, VO2...
Zenobi, Nanoscale chemical imaging using tip- enhanced Raman spectroscopy: a critical review, Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. 52 (23) (2013) 5940e5954.Schmid, T.; Opilik, L.; Blum, C.; Zenobi, R. Nanoscale Chemical Imaging Using Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: A Critical Review. Angew. Chem. ...
142). (e) Raman spectroscopy involves the extraction of information through the monitoring of vibrational energy transitions (from Ref. 144). In this review, we highlight recent advances in Raman spectroscopy and its application to skin diagnosis. We first introduce the advantages and disadvantages ...
Since 2000, there has been an explosion of activity in the field of plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (PERS), including surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) and shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SHINERS). In this Review, we explo...
11.4.4 Raman Spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy is a form of vibrational spectroscopy technique that can be used to determine the chemical makeup of biofilms. For a detailed review on various Raman spectroscopy techniques, see Ivleva et al. [324]. Raman spectroscopy detects the changes in polarity ...
Review article Heterotopic Ossification BoneJournal2018,Bone Rhys D.Brady, ...Terence J.O'Brien 5.2.1Raman spectroscopy Raman spectroscopyis a non-invasive technique that has been used to identify various pathological conditions by detecting changes in the molecular composition of cells and tissues in...
Raman spectrometers will continue to decrease in size, integrate into other measurement apparatus, and provide incredible analyses through chemometrics. I hope this short review provides some insight into the capabilities of Raman spectroscopy for pharmaceutical applications. ...