Raman spectroscopy of CO 2 -acetone and CO 2 -ethanol complexes. Chem Phy Letters. 2005; 413 (4-6):258–262.M.I. Cabaco, Y. Danten, T. Tassaing, S. Longelin, A. Besnard, Raman spec- troscopy of CO2-acetone and CO2-ethanol complexes, Chemical Physics Letters 413 (2005) 258-...
Georg SpiekermannInstitute of Geosciences University of Potsdam Potsdam 14476 GermanyRobert J. BodnarDepartment of Geosciences Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA 24061 USAJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdJournal of Raman Spectroscopy
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of Raman spectroscopy to study the effect of excess and poverty of CO2 in live marine diatoms in comparison with gas chromatography. We especially focus into compositional changes of fatty chain in triacylglycerol. The fat composition of ...
Raman spectroscopy of high pressure MgSiO3 phases synthesized in a CO2 laser heated diamond anvil cell: Perovskite and clinopyroxene. In: Syono, Y., Manghnani, M.H. (Eds.), High pressure research: Application to earth and planetary sciences. Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo/American ...
Spectroscopy LettersLoewenschuss A,Givan A.Raman and Infrared Spectra of Matrix Isolated CO2and CS2. Spectroscopy Letters . 1977A. Loewenschuss, and A. Givan, Raman and infrared spectra of matrix isolated CO2 and CS2, Spectrosc. Lett., 10, 551-558 (1977)....
CO2 laser ablationRaman spectroscopyThe surface of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) irradiated with an IR laser was investigated by Raman spectroscopy. The degree of change in the surface depends on the fluence of the radiation and on...doi:10.1007/s10946-019-09839-8Sadulla R. Allyarov...
Rotational Raman Spectroscopy for the Remote Sensing of Carbon DioxideLaser spectroscopy for remote sensing uses an optical signal from the pollutant molecules which must be identified and discriminated against signals from other molecules and aerosols. To test the lidar and the calculations on ...
Raman Spectroscopy 關於研究 Raman 光譜的儀器,除了上述的單色光源、sample devices 之外, 還必須有一套色散系統,即 monochromator;以及光偵測系統,目前最常用的有 光電倍增管﹝PMT﹞與電耦合器﹝CCD﹞等 ; 而這些設備的詳細敘述在另一位同 學--陳宜屏的期末報告〝Introduction To Photoluminescence〞中已經做了非常...
sina. cOm在众多半导体材料中~ TiO2由于可以将许多有机污染物如染料[1]和农药[2]等有效地降解为小分子有机物甚至到CO2和~2O~因而得到了广泛关注[3~ 4]. 过渡金属离子掺杂是降低TiO2的光生载流子复合几率~提高光催化效率的一种有效方法[5]. 已有的研究表明~一些金属离子如Fe效的掺杂离子[6~ 7]~但对掺杂...
UV-VISIBLE AND RESONANCE RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY OF HALOGEN MOLECULES IN CLATHRATE-HYDRATES Ultraviolet-visible spectra are presented for a polycrystalline sample of chlorine clathrate hydrateand two single crystal samples of bromine clathrate hydrate. The data shows that the UV-visiblespectroscopy is a sensitiv...