The holes are very closely spaced and form a transmissive optical grating, having dimensions suitable for operating in the Raman-Nath regime. Mirrors or lenses are formed within the device for guiding an input beam into the waveguide as a parallel light source....
The holes are very closely spaced and form a transmissive optical grating, having dimensions suitable for operating in the Raman-Nath regime. Mirrors or lenses are formed within the device for guiding an input beam into the waveguide as a parallel light source. 展开 ...
Keywords:acoustic-opticeffect;Raman-Nathdiffraction;ultrasoniegrating;lightintensityofdiffraction 0 引言 声波是一种弹性应变波,当光束通过声场扰动 下的介质时,将产生光的衍射,即为声光效应。在声 光效应中,当光垂直于声波传播方向照射介质时,产 生的衍射称为拉曼一内斯(Raman—Nath)衍射;光经 ...
optical scattering from a parallel ultrasonic setup is presented in which an optical beam is scattered by a surface acoustic wave that acts as a Raman-Nath-type dynamic grating and the scattering is controlled and monitored by a bulk (Bragg) acousto-optic grating placed adjacent to the surface ...
The Raman spectra of dried samples were measured using a 633 nm laser (30 mW laser power, 10% laser intensity, 3 accumulations, 10 s exposure time) and 1800 grooves/cm grating. Confocal imaging of transgenic mouse brain slices Mouse brain slices (15 μm thickness) were harvested ...
doi:10.3116/16091833/3/1/27/2002S.BugaychukE.KorchemskayaN.BurykinInstitute of Physical OpticsUkrainian Journal of Physical OpticsBugaychuk S,Korchemskaya E,Burykin N.Raman-Nath thin grating of low-saturated dynamic recording materials. Ukr. J. Phy. Opt . 2001...
The reflection grating disperses the light beam into different wavelengths. The dispersed light is reflected to the CCD camera to form continuous spectra. Raman spectra of the sample are collected by point-scan method, accumulating hyperspectral image of the entire surface area of the sample. The ...
Wood, R.W. On a remarkable case of uneven distribution of light in a diffraction grating spectrum. Philos. Mag. Ser. 1902, 4, 396–402. [CrossRef] 14. Fano, U. The Theory of Anomalous Diffraction Gratings and of Quasi-Stationary Waves on Metallic Surfaces (Sommerfeld's Waves). J. ...
In this work we demonstrate the integration of a spectrometer directly into smartphone screen by femtosecond laser inscription of a weak Raman–Nath volume grating either into the Corning Gorilla glass screen layer or in the tempered aluminosilicate glass protector screen placed in front of the phone...
Raman–Nath approximationlight pulse atom interferometerlarge momentum beam splitterNear-resonant Kapitza–Dirac diffraction theory is extended out of familiar Raman–Nath approximation. New solutions with initial superposition of equidistant momentum states, applied to one- and two-optical grating atom ...