FTIR和Raman光谱技术的进展 FTIR和Raman光谱技术的进展 李琼瑶 (公安部物证鉴定中G北京100038)摘要本文报道了傅里叶变接虹外光谱、傅里叶变换拉王光谱、虹外显靛镜和显擞拉王光谱技求的特点与进展。关■调傅里叶变换虹外光{.(P}lR)、傅里叶变换拉曼光谱、虹外卫擞镜、显擞扯王光....
The unirradiated, irradiated, irradiated and annealed samples were studied using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopies. A dependence of radiation induced stress on the initial boron concentration was observed. The radiation induced stress was lower for the undoped samples. Correlation...
Notingher I, Jones J, Verrier S, Bisson I, Embanga P, Edwards P, Polak J and Hench L 2003 Application of FTIR and Raman spectroscopy to characterisation of bioactive materials and living cells J. Spectrosc. 17 275-88...
第25卷, 第10 期 光谱学与光谱分析 Vol 125, No110, pp1595- 1598 2 0 0 5 年1 0 月 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis October, 2005 碳纳米管的表面修饰及FTIR, Raman 和XPS 光谱表征吴小利 1, 2 , 岳涛 1* , 陆荣荣 1 , 朱德彰 1 , 朱志远 1 11 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所, 上海 ...
激光诱变云南姚安三角大香糯水稻的FTIR和Raman分析 颜 茜,王昆林,沙育年 (楚雄师范学院物理与电子科学系,云南楚雄 675000) 提要:本文选取在云南省姚安县试验栽种的经激光辐照引起宏观变异的“激三香糯”和对照组的水稻种子作为样品,应用傅里叶变换红外 光谱仪和拉曼光谱仪进行了测试,并对其FrlR和Raman进行了分析。
.University of Sheffield, Dept Chemistry扩展功能强Raman/AFM/NSOMUniversity of Sheffield, Dept Chemistry扩展功能强Raman/AFM/NSOMSectionmz z zABSIUp2*MC& J .Qgr05University of Sheffield, Dept Chemistry功能扩展能力强Raman /FTIRRaman/FTIR二者可以互补原位测量红外与拉曼光谱(同一个样品点) 为FTIR提供了高...
UV Raman and FTIR Spectra of PVP/Pt. The UV-Raman spectra of pure PVP and PVP-capped Pt nanocrystals (2.4 nm, random shape) differ noticeably (Figure 6A). A dominant intense line appears at 1606 cm-1 with a weak shoulder at 1660 cm-1. The ratio of intensities of I(CdO) to I(...
FTIRCollagenTriple-helix structureWearTribologyArthroplastyA collagen solution was added as a joint-lubricating fluid to extend the service life of UHMWPE liners. Adding this solution could effectively increase the adsorption of collagen onto zirconia......
Fig. 1: A timeline of historical advances in SERS, SEIRA, and related techniques. SRS stimulated Raman scattering, Hyper-Raman Hyper-Raman scattering, CARS coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, FFT fast Fourier transform, FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ATR Attenuated total reflectance,...
激光诱变云南姚安三角大香糯水稻的FTIR和Raman分析 颜 茜,王昆林,沙育年 (楚雄师范学院物理与电子科学系,云南楚雄 675000) 提要:本文选取在云南省姚安县试验栽种的经激光辐照引起宏观变异的“激三香糯”和对照组的水稻种子作为样品,应用傅里叶变换红外 光谱仪和拉曼光谱仪进行了测试,并对其FrlR和Raman进行了分析。