Benoit: {Raman}-active modes in finite and infinite double-walled carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 71 , 125402 (2005)Rahmani, A., 2005, "Raman-Active Modes in Finite and Infinite Double- Walled Carbon Nanotubes," Phys. Rev. B, 71, p. 125402....
Few $E_{2g}$ modes can be non-Raman-active because of their``fine'' vibrational structure. We claim that numbers of Raman-active modes forachiral CNTs are: 5 ($(n,n)$ and $(n,0)$, $n$-even); 6 ($(n,n)$, $n$-odd); 8($(n,0)$, $n$-odd)....
Figure2.Angle-dependent Raman scattering spectra ofTa2Ni3Te5. (a) Raman spectra with laser polarized along the [001] and [100] directions, respectively, both measured at 4.25 K. (b) Temperature dependence of Raman intensity for selected modes (marked by dark green dashed lines in (a))...
We report a comparative study of rigid layer Raman-active modes in $N$-layer transition metal dichalcogenides. Trigonal prismatic (2Hc, such as MoSe$_2$, MoTe$_2$, WS$_2$, WSe$_2$) and distorted octahedral (1T', such as ReS$_2$ and ReSe$_2$) phases are considered. The Raman-...
(marked by dark green dashed lines in (a)) with the Raman shifts (from top to bottom) of 115.3, 175.1, and 167.5 cm−1, respectively. (c–e) Calculated phonon vibrational patterns for three Raman-active modes in (b), with the arrows denoting the atomic displacement directions of ...
The Raman spectra of the mixed crystal SnS2-xSex show a two-mode behaviour with local and gap modes developing for concentrations of 25% for S and Se respectively, which is approximately a factor of 3 higher than the corresponding concentrations in mixed zincblende crystals. The difference is...
Some Raman-active modes, e.g. the RBM, are quite intense and highly diameter-dependent, and can relatively easy be recovered from an ensemble spectrum. For other modes - e.g. the defect-induced D mode - the inherent statistical distribution within a sample impedes the understanding of ...
is the Raman tensor. The Raman tensors for all Raman active modes in bulk WTe2are given inFig. 4. Based on the Cartesian coordinates denoted above, theeiandesare fixed inxyplane. For a sample with rotation angle ofθ(clockwise rotation, as shown inFig. S2),ei = (cos(θ + ...
Temperature and pressure dependence of the Raman active modes of vibration of α-quartz 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 57 作者:KJ Dean,WF Sherman,GR Wilkinson 摘要: The Raman spectra of a single crystal of natural quartz have been very carefully investigated as a function of temperature (...
Raman Spectroscopy with the WITec Alpha 3000 Microscope Appropriate Samples and Sample Prep You can attempt to analyze anything that will fit beneath the objective. Data quality will be determined by the number and intensity of Raman active vibrational modes in the materials making up the sample. ...