static int MemTest8_16BitAccess(unsigned int memory_base) { int ret_code = 0x0; /* Write 4 bytes */ IOWR_8DIRECT(memory_base, 0, 0x0A); IOWR_8DIRECT(memory_base, 1, 0x05); IOWR_8DIRECT(memory_base, 2, 0xA0); IOWR_8DIRECT(memory_base, 3, 0x50); /* Read it back as on...
RAM is typically referred to simply as "memory" even though other types of memory may exist inside a computer. RAM, which is the focus of this article, has nothing at all to do with the amount of file storage a hard drive has, even though the two are often incorrectly interchanged with...
0068* The RAM test routine performs the following operations: 0069* 1.) Tests the address and data lines for shorts and opens. 0070* 2.) Tests byte and half-word access. 0071* 3.) Tests every bit in the memory to store both '1' and '0'. 0072* 4.) Tests DMA access to the me...
一、创建Vivado工程 在添加RAM IP之前先新建一个ram_test的工程,然后再工程中添加RAM IP。 新建ram_test.v工程 添加ram_ip,IP核 将Component Name改为ram_ip,在Basic栏目下,将Memory Type 改为Simple Dual Prot RAM, 也就是伪双口RAM。一般来说"Simple Dual Port RAM"是最常用,因为它是两个端口,输入和输...
IsMyMemoryOK is a small but highly effective program that allows you to quickly and accurately test your computer's RAM (Random Access Memory). It supports !
(NOTE: The RAMCHECK memory tester has been superseded by the RAMCHECK LX memory tester. Please go here for information regarding the RAMCHECK LX Communications Program.)The RAMCHECK Communications program provides you with all the essential communication functions you will need for your RAMCHECK mem...
Selectable Memory Algorithm 使用XILINX 的 BMG 生成上述类型的 RAM/ROM 的时候,有一个可选项叫做生成的算法,这里有三种可选的算法: Minimum Area Algorithm : 面积最优 Low Power Algorithm:功耗最低 Fixed Primitive Algorithm:固定原语 Configurable Width and Depth ...
Depending on your processor and the amount of memory, a complete pass takes around an hour or so. However, one to two passes should suffice for picking out faulty RAM. How To Test RAM With TestMem 5 TestMem dates back to the DOS days. The program debuted in 1998 and has evolved quite...
Note While the same concept is completely valid for other operating systems, a different image burner will be needed. A good free program is ImgBurn.Related Tutorials Hardware - Stress Test With Prime95 Video Card - Stress Test with Furmark Memory Diagnostics Tool Test your CPU Stability with...