- contacted Ram connect customer support, they had me attempt all above steps again, same issues. - contacted Apple services, they had me perform every known reset/solution for my phone, same issues. They advised I take it to a dealer.. - ensured apple CarPlay is ...
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是什麼?随机存取存储器 (ram) 是一种允许短期数据访问的计算机存储形式。它有助於存储计算机运行时需要使用的数据和指令。这使得处理器更容易快速访问所需信息,从而更快地处理信息,从而提高笔记本电脑的整体性能。 ram 是任何计算系统的重要组成部分,因为它不仅可以提高速度,还可以提高效率。如果没有足够的内存,笔记本...
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