Arthur Cushman McGiffert,Jr. (Boston, 1938); a selection of twenty-five sermons. Sermon on the Death of George Adams Sampson, 1834 (Boston, 1903). The Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Stephen Whicher and Robert Spiller, 3 vols. (Cambridge,Mass., 1959-1972). "Phi-Beta-Kappa...
Arthur Cushman McGiffert,Jr. (Boston, 1938); a selection of twenty-five sermons. Sermon on the Death of George Adams Sampson, 1834 (Boston, 1903). The Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson, ed. Stephen Whicher and Robert Spiller, 3 vols. (Cambridge,Mass., 1959-1972). "Phi-Beta-Kappa...