Rally Software(RALY) 公司名称Rally Software Development Corp. 英文名称Rally Software Development Corp. 董事长Timothy A. Miller 主要股东-- 成立日期2001-07-12 主营业务-- 公司简介集合软件开发公司(Rally Software Development Corp.)是一家为管理迅捷(Agile)软件开发提供云解决方案的企业。公司平台能够转换组织...
简介:集合软件开发公司(Rally Software Development Corp.)是一家为管理迅捷(Agile)软件开发提供云解决方案的企业。公司平台能够转换组织机构管理软件开发周期的方式,主要通过以下方法实现:1.对接软件开发与战略业务目标;2.促进合作;3.增加透明度;4.使手工操作自动化。企业组织利用公司的解决方案能够加速创新步伐、提高产能...
RALLY SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT CORP(RALY)股吧,股民朋友可以在这里畅所欲言,分析讨论股票名的最新动态。东方财富股吧,专业的股票论坛社区。
Rally Software Development CorpThe article features Rally Software Development Corp. of Boulder, Colorado. The software company was developed by its president Ryan Martens and chief executive officer Tim Miller. Its products and services help clients...
“RallySoftware在敏捷“Rally的执⾏⼒与全⾯ /精益领域持续领先”的愿景使其在ALM领域居 领先地位” 应⽤⽣命周期管理领域:领导者 线下项⺫组合管理领域:领导者应⽤⽣命周期管理:魔⼒象限领导者 线上项⺫组合管理领域:表现出众 ©2014RallySoftwareDevelopmentCorp 全方位的企业敏捷解决方案 SteerRu...
Rally (formerly CA Agile Central) is the market-leading provider of agile software that can enable stronger teams, drive better business results and ignite greater innovation.
.rallydev ©2014 Rally Software Development Corp 完善敏捷度量体系•四个量化维度– 生产力–预测能性– 品质–响应力 .rallydev ©2014 Rally Software Development Corp 生产力“ 生产力为衡量团队在特定时限内完成的总工作量 --根据被验收的总故事点或故事量“高生产力即商业价值交付量增高,或技术债务...
Copyright (c) Rally Software Development Corp. 2015 Distributed under the MIT License. Warranty The Ruby Toolkit for Rally REST API is available on an as-is basis. Support Rally Software does not actively maintain this toolkit. If you have a question or problem, we recommend posting it to St...
提供给领导决策⽀持数据 项⺫组合计划 Demand • Value creation • Supply • Constraint What-if 价值管理 ⼯作管理 能⼒管理 财务管理 批准执⾏的计划 场景 项⺫组合执⾏ 策略连接执⾏ ©2015 Rally Software Development Corp - 项⺫组合能⼒场景选项规划 设计思路 Paul the Product ...
This project and its authors have no affiliation with Rally Software Development Corp. or the Cucumber project. It was written as necessity in a real-world project, and by no means should represent endorsement of either product. Rally (c) 2003-2011 Rally Software Development Corp. ...