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2023 starts with a trip to Sri Lanka. There’s a degree of uncertainty about this following the disturbances and shortages earlier this year. Newsnight had a story last week and mentioned 20L fuel coupons – that won’t get us very far! We hope the car has arrived but shippers haven’t...
Lake Benton, MN is home to its namesake, the seven-mile-long Lake Benton. Lake Benton is a small town of around 700 residents. If you’re in the area for breakfast or a quick lunch, stop by the Hideaway Café and Coffee House. They have daily lunch specials that range from meatloaf ...
State House News Service PhotoDiehl remembers all too well how Charlie Baker left him at the alter in 2018 when Diehl challenged Democrat U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren. Baker endorsed Diehl and then said he wasn't sure if he'd vote for him....
a house internet subcommittee is meeting in kalamazoo, michigan, to warn parents about the dangers of the internet. yes, this is something that congress has been fretting about since 1994, when then-sen. jim exon (d-nebraska) introduced the widely reviled communications decency act. even eight...
“They do a great job of giving us lip service, of fundraising for women’s rights and speaking about women’s rights, but when it comes time to legislate, they’re silent,” Xiao said. “They control the House, the Senate and the presidency, and abortion rights still aren’t guaranteed...
President Trump took his show on the road again, this time to Dallas. If the nonstop impeachment harassment is getting to him, it certainly doesn’t show when he is among the faithful. By the way, it seems that there are still a lot of faithful. ...