The most advanced color conversion tool on the web - palettes, charts and their conversion data in 11 formats, including: HEX to RGB, RAL Classic, RAL Design Plus, RAL Effect, Pantone, CMYK, HSL, HSB, NCS, WEBSAFE and vice versa.
The most advanced color conversion tool on the web - palettes, charts and their conversion data in 11 formats, including: HEX to RGB, RAL Classic, RAL Design Plus, RAL Effect, Pantone, CMYK, HSL, HSB, NCS, WEBSAFE and vice versa.
Convert to: RAL ClassicRAL DesignAny Convert to RAL Important: This input form requires you to provide RGB values respectively from 0 to 255 representing eachconstituent color(Red, Green, Blue). How this tool works? Once you’ll fill in the values on the input form above, this RGB to RAL...
x11hslhsvcmykalphatransparencyxyzralcielabrgaycbcrrgbafknowncolorral-classicsystemcolors UpdatedSep 22, 2024 Visual Basic 6.0 nice color palettes for your web application csspalettedesignwebmaterialcolorscolor-schemescssx11xkcdcolorschemespantoneralnbsisccncscrayolareseneweb-safecolorpalette ...
这是德国的一种色卡品牌,这种色卡在国际上广泛通用,又称RAL国际色卡,中文译为:劳尔色卡,为了方便各位小伙伴在日常设计中参照使用,本次将他发出来,希望可以让你如虎添翼! 色卡对照表(无色版) RAL 1000米绿色 RAL 1001米灰黄 RAL 1002沙黄色 RAL 1003信号黄 RAL 1004金黄色 RAL 1005蜜黄色 RAL 1006玉米黄 RAL...
- - 原创RAL 系列: CLASSIC, EFFECT, DESIGN, PLASTICS - - 原创Ncs 系列 - - 最正确的3D 彩色 - - 完美的色彩再现 - - 颜色可以添加到收藏夹 - - 方便的转换器到RGB,CMYK,HEX - - 该应用程序不需要互联网 - - 没有广告 我们建议在iPhone 5S或在更新的版本上使用该应用程序!
Apple Vision Requires visionOS 1.0 or later. Languages English Age Rating 4+ Copyright © Kevin Lieser, KA Mediendesign Price ¥8.00 App Support Supports Family Sharing Up to six family members can use this app with Family Sharing enabled.More...
HEX to RAL conversions: #22819E to RAL Design #CA5316 to RAL Design #E22B80 to RAL Design #9C1966 to RAL Design #96C69E to RAL Design #FF4F3F to RAL Classic #92EAFF to RAL Classic #ED7F77 to RAL Design #94D4E1 to RAL Design ...
The measurement is most commonly used by design professionals, such as architectural color consultants, architects, environmental graphic designers and interior designers. LRVs are frequently reported on paint chips or paint samples. The values are used by lighting designers to determine the number and...
方便的转换器到RGB,CMYK,HEX。3D颜色。内部和外部装饰的样板。 ¥22.00 RAL Design:最佳调色板 专为建筑师和设计师设计 ¥22.00 Privacy dell’app Lo sviluppatore,SIARHEI ZINKEVICH, ha indicato che le procedure per la tutela della privacy dell’app potrebbero includere il trattamento dei dati descri...