RAL Design 该页展现RAL劳尔设计体系全部1,825个颜色(包含2018年新增加200种颜色),颜色按照色相(H)、明度(L)和彩度(C)进行有序的排列,颜色以1976发布的国际通用的CIELab的色彩空间为基础。 色块光泽度为半哑光,主要是应复杂的装饰性颜色设计的要求,它是德国及世界各地建筑师、设计师与广告宣传机构的首选...
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Patient Sample and Study Design After institutional review board approval, prospectively collected data for patients undergoing hip arthroscopy by a single, fellowship-trained surgeon (S.D.M.) between May 2014 and November 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. All patients underwent preoperative evaluation ...
FEATURES • Fully static design 8-bit Turbo 51 CMOS microcontroller up to 24MHz when VDD=4.5V to 5.5V, 12MHz when VDD=2.7V to 5.5V, and 4MHz when VDD=2.4V to 5.5V. • 8K bytes of AP Flash EPROM, with external writer programmable mode. • 256 bytes of on-chip RAM. • ...